[SOLVED] Copy and Paste pattern while running, without activating

I’ve read a lot about this subject but I’m still hitting my head against a brick wall.

I’ve also read the instructions on page 25 of the manual where it states:

• Patterns can be changed while the sequencer is running.
• Patterns can be changed and queued by sending program change messages.
• It is possible to copy a pattern, and then paste it to one or several locations without
leaving the active pattern. You can also clear one or several non-active patterns.
- To copy, press and hold [PATTERN] + [TRIG] key to select the pattern you wish to
copy. Then press [RECORD]. Let go of the [TRIG] key and then press and hold the
[TRIG] key(s) to where you want to paste the pattern. Finally, press and hold [STOP] to
paste the pattern(s).
- To clear, press and hold [PATTERN] + [TRIG] key(s) to select the pattern(s) you wish
to clear. Then press and hold [PLAY] to clear the pattern(s).

I have updated my firmware to the latest (1.13) and I just can not get this to work.

I can successfully copy and paste a pattern into another slot but not without first activating that slot. Pasting to several locations does not work at all and neither does clearing multiple patterns.

When I try to select multiple patterns it just chains them.

What am I missing dudes?

Can’t remember ever trying to get that working with a sequence running. You can make it work with NO sequence running I take it ?

(that = copy a pattern, and then paste it to one or several locations … )

I can copy and paste a pattern to a different slot whether it’s running or not … but there’s a problem … If I select (which will activate) a pattern, I can copy by holding func and record (copy). I can then paste it to another pattern slot by selecting another slot (which activates it) and then pressing the paste combo.

Pasting to several locations just doesn’t work at all. It just ends up chaining the patterns I’m holding.

The problem is that when you select the destination slot, that pattern starts playing before you can actually do the paste. If you’re playing live or improvising, this is a major problem.

The manual clearly states “It is possible to copy a pattern, and then paste it to one or several locations without leaving the active pattern.”

I just can not get this to work using the instructions in the manual.

Are you holding down pattern the whole time (both during the copy step and the paste step) ? ( To copy, press and hold [PATTERN] + …)

That works to paste to one destination at a time. It will also to paste to multiple patterns.

On the paste step, are you waiting long enough ? There’s a countdown to confirm or let you back out.

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“On the paste step, are you waiting long enough ? There’s a countdown to confirm or let you back out.”

That was it! Thank you very much. You saved my day!

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