[SOLVED] Digitone main outs not working with Overbridge plugin

I’ve just got the MOTU ULmk5 and I want to record the Digitone main outs with it, I want to have Overbridge plugin to be present as well in case I want to use it for fast browsing / modulation, but for some reason the audio from main outs is not coming through if the Overbridge plugin is present. I can’t remember for sure but I think it wasn’t an issue when I tried the same thing in the past with Zoom H6, but that was before the latest updates around song mode release.
turning the plugin on / off does not have effect, only removing the instance…

The Analog Rytm does not have this problem and the main/individual outs working just fine this way… am I missing something?

on the DT,
try settings > Audio Routing > Int To Main : “On”

not sure if it will help but I saw this being recommended in a few such cases

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perfect, that’s it! it was on AUTO, with ON it always sends audio to main outs, thanks!

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