[SOLVED] Digitone project saving and Tracks' levels

Hello Digipeople,

So this is a two fold thread.

1- Saving projects in Digitone.

I’ve been playing around with my Digitone for a week now, working smoothly, saving new patterns, sounds to a couple of projects and all is fine.
Yesterday, I was working on some patterns, finished, saved everything, turned off the Digitone. Later at night I opened it and all of the new patterns were gone as if didn’t happen, even sounds in the pool were gone. Even some arpeggiated sounds I made, saved in my bank C and loaded them in the pool, were completely gone. It was very frustrating! As if it didn’t happen. Now I am using transfer every time before I turn the Digitone off since that was a brutal move.

Any idea why did this happen? How to prevent it?

2- Tracks’ levels!

This one is driving me crazy. I would finish layering my sounds, beat, finish tweaking the parameters, all is locked, all works fine, no problem at all. Let’s say this is A-5
I save the pattern A-5, just as an extra step, I then save the project. I go to another pattern like A-2 or any, I listen, get back to A-5 and the tracks’ levels are messed up.

This is also affecting older patterns in the same Bank A, they were fine, mixed fine and now I have got to level them up every time since their levels are messed up too.

I made sure there are no locks there, at least no green flashing buttons when I am in the grid rec mode.

What am I missing here? Is it something in the automation?

Thank you for helping

EDIT: SOVED courtesy of @comradecry for anyone facing these problems, don’t do like me, read the Manual.

Saving problem: The manual calls for 30 seconds before restart. (I might have restarted the Digitone too soon then, I think this is it)

Levels Problem: GLOBAL MIX was turned on and forgotten.

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Difficult to coment on because i havent experienced these issues, but i can say that

this step is unnecessary. saving project saves all paterns within it.
save pattern function is there if you want to transfer them into a different project.

if changing track levels makes other patterns whack - you probably have GLOBAL MIX turned on.
which i personally find very useful for volume slopes that persists through multiple patterns. (for mixing its nice to use VOL in AMP page)

if you are sure that you are doing everything right, and saving project still doesnt work, consider contacting elektron support. might be a dud memory chip, you never know.

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Thank you so much @comradecry , I was sure the “Levels” problem was a result of me mishandling something in the Digitone and YES I found that I turned on Global Internal Mix, and I forgot it there… This was when attempting to do something with the Overbridge i think… I am slowly going through the user’s manual though and getting more excited about the Digitone.

For the Project and Pattern saving part.
Well, I am sure I was doing things right and the project/ pattern saving work actually in a normal way.
However, I originally posted this because the Digitone seemed to have completely “ignored” a whole session of work. Not only patterns disappeared but also the sounds I modified for them and sound in the pool… All vanished like that session never happened. I then save the patter out of OCD :sweat_smile: and also save the project after that…
I will contact the customer service for that.
For now, all I am doing is saving a backup copy user Transfer for fear that I open the Digitone and find that all is gone again.

Thank you so much though, you restored my faith in the Digi

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The most polite way to point me to the right direction here :joy:
I am getting familiar with the Digi logic of tracks and individual levels.

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these things can happen if you turn on and off your device too fast. I did that by mistake too and had weird stuff happening. Manual calls for 30 seconds before restart, but i like to do at least 60, if for some reason i need a reboot.

theres a lot to explore in these devices! It took me almost a year to feel the Digitone structure out, so no worries, lots of people here who will help you out. Just dont forget to use search first!

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Thank you @comradecry I really appreciate you help. Also, every time something like this happens I just remember to shut the Digitone down and go actually read the manual fully… Old habits die hard.
I moved to the Digi from DAW (KKontrol) and a long time with Rolands and Motif/DX family. The Digitone is completely different, too much fun and the fact that is 8 voice only stirs creativity in crazy ways I didn’t expect, I was so used to voice abundance that I feel the Digitone is changing my habits and perspective.
Again thanks a lot for your help

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