[SOLVED] Live sampling, volume issues

Hi everybody,

My setup:

Main +0, CUE +0, AB DIR 0. AB GAIN +63, CD DIR 0, CD GAIN +63

T1: Thru track with volume at 0 (DT Comes in) VOL +63
T2: Neighbor
T3: Thru Track with volume at 0 (DN Comes in) VOL +63
T4: Neigbhor
T5: Flex track for my Kicks volume at 0
T6: Flex track with Recording 6
T7: Flex track with Recording 7
T8: Master

T6 and T7 I use for live sampling or input AB, CD or INT with the Rec settings:

I do this so I can press the T6 or T7 and then press the REC1, REC2 or REC3 so I can sample wich source I want. The REC3 for capture everything and the REC1 for the DT and the REC2 for the DN. I like to have two channels so I can build up my tracks.

Now I have a issue. When I record from REC1 or REC2 the volume stays the same as the Thru for the DT and TN. But when I record from REC3 (T8) the Kick stays at the same volume but the sounds from the DT and DN are lower in volume then when they are recorded from the source itself. I tried setting SRC3 to MAIN but that didn’t seem to fix it.

This is really annoying as I want the volume at the same level at any time.

The only thing that worked so far is when I put SRC3 to T5 (kick) and then when I want to record I select the T6 channel and pres the REC1, REC2 and REC3 button the same time. But I would like it to work for only pressing the REC3 button.

How can I fix it?

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Is T8 Level at 127?

The T8 is set as a Master channel. It is set at the ‘standard’ output of 110. But when set as 127 the same thing occurs.

The T6 and T7 are also at volume 0 BTW

Defauft is 108 but 127 is recommend fro T8 master, otherwise you loose around 3db.
I’m reading you op more carefully…

I suppose their Level is 108.
Id set their Level to 127 otherwise the recordings are played lower.
Level 127 for Thru tracks too, otherwise they will be lower than inputs AB/CD recordings on T6-T7.

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Yes! That did the trick! Also had to set the Levels for the T5 and T2 and T4 (Neigbours) on 127. But then everything was the same level!

Thnx a lot @sezare56

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Ah yes, only Neighbor Levels count.
And Level is not influencing a track recording, VOL and fx do.

Thnx, but I still don’t understand why it worked with all the LEVELS on 127 and not with all the LEVELS on 108. What is the difference?

School time for my son !
english lesson

@Dani538 I’m back!

So when you record inputs, the level depends on Mix Gain, when you record T8 or Main, level depends on Mix Gain and Thru/Neighbors play level.
You need to play at Level 127, PLAYBACK VOL +63 and AMP VOL 0 for unity, at Level 108 you loose around 3db.
Make sense ?

Made this from that : Signal flow/gain staging diagram for Octatrack MKII


I got it working with mix gain set to +63. Do t know if that is correct :slight_smile: thnx for the knowledge!

I’d rather set gain to 0 and change level of plugged gear if possible but I the sound is ok…

The incoming signal is very low at 0 gain. Then I have to drive the volume on the DT and DN to the Max. The DN starts clipping that way.

How do you do that with the external gear?

I planed to record my DN tonight so I’ll check it.

The signal gets clipped with multiple notes quickly even at lower then the max vol on the DN

I have a MKI, I used Gain at 0, DN Master Volume at 2 o’clock, Master VOL at 100.

Yes, I have changed it a bit last night. The volume is now around 1 o. Clock and gain on +12. But the DN starts clipping itself when the volume is to high. Does it even if used by itself.

Big thread bump but seems to be similar to my problem.

So just to clarify - to keep the live sample volume (crossfader trick) the same as the original track etc its best to keep the main level at 0?

I assumed the main level amplified everything equally but increasing it amplifies my live sample much higher then the main tracks therefore its no longer seamless when fading across to the live sample

I assumed I could ramp up the entire Octatrack vol using the Main Level. I guess I would have to do this from elsewhere if live sampling

What is your recording source?
MAIN recording depends on MAIN Level. 0 is neutral.

Im simply recording random hardware and softsynths into my ABCD inputs.

I live sample the master track and do the crossfader trick and all is well at Main Level 0. Volume is consistent.

However if I turn up the Main Level - the live sample isolated with the crossfader trick is louder then the original track.

Basically I was just trying to increase my Octatrack levels in my DAW by increasing it on the Octa itself.

Your issue is apparently related to MAIN sampling. If you increase MAIN Level (above 0), it increases MAIN recordings levels, and this is added to overall level.

You can increase tracks Level, Vol, Attributes gain…