[Solved] Machinedrum via Cirklon Midi - Triggerproblem

Hi all,

i’m trying to make the Cirklon the “better” MD sequencer and have loaded from the Sequentix User Forum 16 Intrument definitions for controlling the MD. -> Sequentix Music Systems - Forum - Login

While these Intruments are tailored for the MD’s midi channel system (Base Channel 1-4 so, Tracks 1-4 on Ch.1, 5-8 on Ch.2, 9-12 on CH.3, 13-16 on Ch.4) the MD machines only trigger when the MD receives the notes on Ch.1. So i can not trigger and cc control tracks 5-16 via the Cirklon.

Two Questions for People here, using this combination:

  1. The MD can trigger Machines from external midi ONLY on CH.1? Parallel CC Control has to happen on CH.2-4?
  2. How do you achieve Cirklon control of triggers and MD machine CC’s for all 16 MD Tracks?

Hope my case is clear…

all the best and thanks

So I’m pretty sure I’ve done this, so it can be done, but think I set up 4 different mduw controllers in the cirklon to control each midi base channel. I think - been a while and now it just works.

Edit: I’ll try to remember to look at my setup next time I’m studioing…

So yeah, what I have is five different instrument defs on the cirklon fir the mduw - one for basic triggering of each sound (my go to) and then four more for CC control and triggering for each of the associated midi tracks, which truth be told I probably haven’t used very much except for testing…

I doubt they work now as it happens, since the midi channels don’t look to match to my revised MDUW midi setup (as in its set up for a different base channel range to my current config, for reasons I no longer have a clue about!).

Hope that helps - I’ll see if I can dig out my instrument defs as it’s probably on the cirklon forums… I forget if I made it or someone else did.

Hi there
I have the same setup and it works well. I have 4 MD Instruments and make use of the aux events. I downladed a instrument def on the forum… workd great.

Thanks for your replys

So tLB, i assume that there is no other possibiliy than to trigger the 16 machines from one Instrument on midi ch.1 (ck pattern), and to do the cc control of the 16 machines on another 16 instruments on their corresponding midi channels 1-4. Another way would be, 16 Instruments for triggering (P3), and another 16 intruments for cc control.

But in summary, it is not possible to have 16 Instruments corresponding to the 16 machines, which are triggering AND CC control their machine on the MD? This is not what i hoped for…no direct p-locking triggers in one instrument.

How do you control all 16 machines with only 4 Intruments then? How is this set up?

Thanks for your thoughts

As I remember it that’s not the case, though admittedly it’s been a long while…

I think that you can trigger the sounds on any of the selected channels via corresponding note value, and then (assuming your midi channel spread is 1-4) channel 1 cobtrolls all the cc parameters in tracks 1-4, channel 2 5-8 and so on. So for full md control you need four midi channels…

If I’m wrong on the triggering bit above that’s still the case btw, you just need to trigger on channel 1 and then use channels 1-4 for cc of the corresponding tracks.

[quote=“dubmo, post:5, topic:180910, full:true”]
So tLB, i assume that there is no other possibiliy than to trigger the 16 machines from one Instrument on midi ch.1 (ck pattern), and to do the cc control of the 16 machines on another 16 instruments on their corresponding midi channels 1-4. Another way would be, 16 Instruments for triggering (P3), and another 16 intruments for cc control.

But in summary, it is not possible to have 16 Instruments corresponding to the 16 machines, which are triggering AND CC control their machine on the MD? This is not what i hoped for…no direct p-locking triggers in one instrument.[/quote]

I’m not quite following that but think it is possible, if you set the definitions as such in the cirklon. You could create a cirklon instrument definition for each of the MD tracks, where you use the base channel and only the cc values associated with the one track. Eg MDBD on midi c1, with CCs 16-39 used. Then do the same for track 2 using the same midi channel but CCs 40 to 64 or whatever it is.


Hey dubmo
I’m not near my gear, but i’m pretty sure… if you only want to trigger the sounds of the md you just need one instrument (f.e. ch1) but if you want to controll cc on the md you need 4 instruments. Md 1 controlls track 1-4, md 2 controlls track 5-8, md 3 controlls track 9-12, md 4 controlls track 12-16.
If you like working in ck pattern you can program the note information there. If you like automate like P2 (decay) of a HH track, use a p3’s aux row.
Hope this is understandable.

Hey King_Meteor,

yeah, but the problem is, that in your example MD2 on midi ch. 2 would cc control the MD tracks 5-8 but won’t trigger them. Triggering is only possible on midi ch.1. That’s my problem and i think all of others too…?! The MD manual is silent on this. It says only that you can map the different note numbers to trigger the specific tracks. But ONLY on midi ch.1.

The only solution to trigger AND control the 16 md tracks via Cirklon with their own patterns is:

  • 16 different Intruments with own p3 patterns, all sending on ch.1 to trigger the machines
  • another 16 intruments with 1-4 sending on ch.1, 5-8 on ch.2, 9-12 on ch3., 13-16 on ch.4. ONLY to cc control the machines.

This is a huge count of 32 cirklon tracks, and it won’t let me easy p-lock triggers with aux events in one pattern per Track…
Is there really no other workaround?

Ah, and i also checked all the other midi base channels too…triggers are only allowed on the first of the chosen 4 base channels. This makes it impossible to trigger a machine AND controll it cc’s in one instrument/pattern on the cirklon from 5 upwards (as those cc respond to the other midi base channels 2-4, but trigger only on midi ch.1)

Strange… on my cirklon it works. I have to check if i have the instrument definition on my mac in the studio, so i can send it to you.
Most of the time i use p3 patterns so i can randomize stuff… and it’s no problem for triggering on all the 4 channels. Do you have set your md to receive on channels 1-4?

Thanks for response!

Strange, but this let me hope for a fault on my side! Yes, the MD receives on channels 1-4. I also tried the triggering with ableton, without the cirklon. My MD only triggers when it receives the notetrigger on the first chosen Base Channel, no matter what.

Another thought - My MD MKII UW+ is on the alternative firmware x.05…don’t know if this could be a bug over here…are you also on the alternative Firmware?

Please try the following , if you have time on your hands, and your trigger notes on the MD are set on c2=Track1 upwards > you send a g2/track5 on midi ch.2 and it triggers track 5?

I am on x0.4… but i used it like that befor the update. What are your midi port configurations on the cirklon? Do you conect it directly to cirklon or do you daisy chain it from another device?

I will try it… but this should work without a problem. On my instrument definition the notes are named… on md 1 i have only the first 4 notes named, on md 2 the following and so on.
I think the simples thing to do is sending you the instrument definition

OK, i got it :star_struck:

I checked the latest x.07 release and voila, it was a bug and it is fixed now:


after updating to x.07 it works as expected :slight_smile: so, glad!!

And thanks for your help and patience, King_Meteor :wink:

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So nice to hear. I’m thinking about upgrading to x.07 as well… have a nice jam