[SOLVED] MachineDrum won’t be sequenced by AR

ha, sorry i hadn’t had a cup of tea when i posted :slight_smile:

you have to make sure you save the rytm kit that has the midi track settings you setup that worked


Absolutely, I should definitely drop the coffee for this sweet English gentlemen’s fancy drink!

As for saving, I guess you can imagine my anxiety levels :laughing: when I could FINALLY get the sequencer working to MD after hitting the perfect Quantized seq… I’ve had everything saved, projects, globals, patterns…and the day after ending up with nothing working anymore… I first posted on another thread but I created that one after remarking the AR was doing its proper job on the DN. I’m just so excited to come back home and try again :stuck_out_tongue:

now keep this setup for a while and trust me, it’s worth it :smiley: I know it is from testing a few minutes, I was so glad

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as mentioned i think you should reset both machines to factory global settings to get the above to work as described. enjoy!


I did not reset the AR, but I did give a try on a blank project.
I’ll also try the X07 firmware once the setup will be solid rock working like yours… I can’t wait! :smiley:

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I believe it’s solved.
I was wrong about the AUTO CHANNEL MIDI OUT I answered in the previous thread on Elektron Gear | Analog Rytm. You need to get your AR OUTPUT CH set to TRK CH, and not AUTO CH. the more I read your answers, the more I felt that setting was the actual issue. I believe you figured that out! :slight_smile: feels great again…. Whoooosh

Il making a few more tests and make a nice video :slight_smile: now time to config.

Thanks a lot everyone

ÉDIT : omg this is so satisfying and so fun to play with. I can’t wait to RE-upgrade now to x.07 firmware and make breakcore!

The best with these gears is that once you prepared all your KITS, samples slots and banks, once the MIDI setup is complete, performance merges with creation.

SOLVED :white_check_mark:

edit after resolution : If you want to master your MD from RYTM, set all your RYTM pads to ONE same channel and do not forget to check your OUTput CH to TRK CH on PORT CONFIG.

AUTO CH will not work and will even less work if you think you’re smart like me and disable all of your TRACKs MIDI CH thinking AUTO CH. will do the job.

Conclusion :

“One does not simply use AUTO CHANNEL as a Master output CHannel.”
– boromir

*** And A few members already told me that on an Octatrack thread about CCs and the X fader of death.

Big love!