[SOLVED] MachineDrum won’t be sequenced by AR

Hey everyone.

I’m trying to throw sequences from a master AR to the MD and I’m having a few issues setting this up.

I’ve ticked the SEND MIDI box in every 12 tracks on the AR, hooked up every note by PAD (0, +1, … +11) with every machine in the MD GLOBAL menu, set the AR output channel to AUTO to avoid scrolling the CHR page all the time. I have

MD transpose messages, clock, and tracks are ready to go but my machines won’t play from the AR sequencer.

However, I’m pretty sure AR is set up properly as the MIDI notes are sent to another gear according to the sequencer.

Has anyone experienced something similar?
Does it has to do with TURBO settings?
Or is it related to program changes?

I’m all out of ideas and I thought somebody could help here.
Thanks a lot.


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Let’s go back to basics.

Do you mean that you have successfully sent MIDI note messages from the AR to another device?

When you say …

… what do you mean? Have you been able to use MIDI clock to synchronize the AR and MD’s sequencers?

When you say …

… what do you mean by “hooked up every pad”, and settings are you referring to in the MD’s Global menu?

So what channel number have you set for the AUTO channel in the GLOBAL > MIDI CONFIG > CHANNELS menu?

What have you set for CHANNEL in the MD’s GLOBAL > CONTROL > BASE CHANNEL menu?

Which OS versions are you running on the two instruments?



Thanks for answering fast.
My OS versions are all up to date and I have tried X.04 version which seemed stable. I reverted to the latest official frimware thinking it could help

Let’s get this going your way :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m saying everything works : transp, clock, notes from pads, program changes. Everything. Excet : the MD receiving/playing back the sequenced notes.

Yes! totally working. Tried on my DN, track 1 is receiving from MD’s ch. 01 MIDI notes, both from pads and sequencing (what I’d love to achieve on MD)

Sir. Yes sir. It’s playing but it seems muted. Pads are sending sounds. Sequencer is playing at the same time from transp. messages. No sound triggered except at touching my AR pads.

Yes, totally what I meant.

Base channel is 1-4 on MD
And MD’s AUTO CH is set to ch.1 to match.
Everything is set pico bello. Program change is set on channel 16 but I was going to try a lower setting for these (at this point I’m just trying anything. I’ve had many surprises using MIDI cc with DN and OT’s X fader a few years ago, so… anything that could help us welcome)

I hope I have covered every thing you asked.
I made a video but won’t load the images on this forum. I’m thinking of Google Drive for a change.

Thanks you very much, have a nice day

OK. So this seems to indicate that:

  • the MIDI connection between the instruments is OK
  • the AR is sending MIDI messages from its MIDI Out port.

Therefore we need to ensure that:

  • the MD is receiving MIDI messages OK
  • the AR is sending the correct MIDI note messages.

If the MD’s BASE CHANNEL is set to “1-4” then it should respond to note messages on those channels. But the note numbers need to be correct. The note numbers that the MD responds to are set in the MD’s GLOBAL > CONTROL > MAP EDITOR menu.

The default note values are labelled “C 2”, “D 2”, “E 2” etc for tracks 1, 2, 3 etc and the corresponding MIDI note numbers are given on page B-1 of the manual as 36, 38, 40, etc up to 62.

So the AR needs to send those MIDI note numbers in order to trigger the MD’s track sounds.

Apparently the AR’s pads send MIDI note numbers in the range from 12 to 59, so you need to go the two top octaves that the pads can be set to and try all the pads to see whether that works.

If you’re sending MIDI notes from the AR’s sequencer, you need to set (or parameter lock) the correct value for the NOT parameter in the Trig menu for the pattern, and make sure that the AR’s track(s) are not muted. As far as I know, values for NOT in the available range of -24 to 24 correspond to MIDI note numbers 12 to 60, so you should try all the values for NOT in the range from 0 to 24. Make sure to use high values of VEL and LEN, at least to begin with.

Give that a try and see what happens.

(You might also consider using your DN to sequence the MD, at least temporarily, as the DN is better equipped as MIDI sequencer.)


thank you very much peter but

seems that whatever note i’m choosing on the AR pads, it will provide me another note on the MD

This issue is grinding my gears : before I went actually posting, the sequencer AND the pads could work altogether and now, I’m ending up trying weird combinations :sweat_smile:

However, I’m now sure the AR sends another MIDI message when sequencer is implied, but surprisingly… : triggering a pad from YES + TRIG won’t even play it back on the MD nor be triggered, really grinds my gears, aren’t yours “grunt”? :stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever NOT i’m trying to set up, If I press the AR BD pad, MD GLOBAL map editor will hear and set a C -1 up for the AR kick Pad, and a B-1 for the AR CB Pad, describing a full octave up from the first to the last pad.

So I think If I want to achieve what I want, I need to make sure the AR NOTes numbers are the same as the AR notes from, but its PADs, is that right?

Don’t go into the MD map editor, just leave the note assignments as the default values for now. Just aim to send the correct note values from the AR.

Your post makes it appear that you are very confused.

I suggest that you keep things as simple as possible to begin with.

  • just enter some trigs in the AR sequencer without using the pads, and p-lock the values of NOT in the Trig menu until you can predictably trigger the MD’s track sounds, or
  • just use the DN to trigger the MD; I believe that the DN shows you which MIDI note number you are sending so you can more easily trigger the correct MD track sound.

Then go on to the more complicated stuff.


thank you peter, but I definitely had to check the MD map editor because it seems that MD does not receive any other AR signal than the ones I do send from a PAD…
EDIT : that one is now working. I accidentally changed pattern returning AR to another state without the SEND MIDI box ticked… but I believe I will have to choose between using PADS or SEQUENCER

I don’t think i’m so confused… I just want to achieve something I can already do on the DN, but on the MD, which has a dope sound inspiring me a lot more than the AR…

Again, I just wanted to enjoy the PADS while using a MD but I believe any controller could do the trick… But I already have an AR.
I’ve been able to set it up completely and get everything working except one very important detail to me / I was quite happy to make it so far but I have to admit it’s getting me confused :confused: talking about TURBO and PgmCH was some kind of sob expression lmfao

My conclusion is close to what I thought in my last message : I need to make sure AR sends the same MIDI note from its sequencer than from its pad;-, and i’m sure you can correct me if i’m wrong… am I ?

I take this to mean that you want to play the MD’s track sounds by pressing the AR’s pads.

If that’s the case, then I would imagine (I don’t have an AR) that putting the AR in chromatic mode so that its pads send MIDI notes in the range from 12 to 59 should allow you to use the top two octaves (where the pads are either sky blue or yellow in colour) to trigger the track sounds on the MD when the MD is using the default MIDI note mapping (notes 36 and higher).


What I really really wanted was to be able to sequence them once I hit the Record + Play buttons… meaning both methods should be working.

But I’m getting the Korg PadKontrol to try that. Moreover, It has 16 pads. Maybe it’s better to try this one off even if it doesn’t have a sequencer. I could use Ableton for example.

But I’m so disappointed, I was sure to be able to do it but I couldn’t.
The most weird is to have managed to make it and not having caught that on camera, so I suppose you don’t even believe me lol! Do you?

The problem is that CHR mode with AR won’t record them notes either, except if I hit the rec button on the MD, But it only has 32 steps and no trig conditions… I also have remarked that using pLocks wouldn’t either trigger the MD notes…

There must be somebody else on this dimension with that precise issue : merging the machineDrum and the Analog Rytm to create the turbo drum computer Rytm, see? It felt awesome for creativity.

The only resolution I can figure out so far are :

  • switching from one GLOBAL to the other /after/ hitting and recording the right sequence on the AR, so that the same notes would be read out loud. But I will need to keep the same machines parameters from one GLOBAL to the other. I’m quite new to the MD but it seems not too stupid, is it?

  • using another pad controller and stick to a non conditional trig 32 step sequencer.

  • using my sweet precious octatrack and drop the pads, replacing my AR with a A4.

  • hard writing the AR source code and force every PAD to speak for C2 - G3 :laughing:

Unfortunately turning the NOT parameters down to the lowest values won’t reach the AR PADs sticky real actual MIDI note value (C-1 to B0).
“Best I can do is C1”

…I still can input another MIDI note value in the MD GLOBAL MAP EDITOR menu using the AR sequencer, by inputing a note onto the AR sequencer and then, hitting play while MD MAP EDITOR is listening to every track, but I doubt it will rly help…

so if anyone is trying to play AR PADs to the MD and the sequencer at once, I would love to get your solution or talk about it. Thanks a lot @PeterHanes for your patience and clarity, which definitely helped me understanding the issue, and understanding I can’t really change the PADs MIDI note value except with

There’s no reason (beyond misconfiguration of course!) why you couldn’t send over MIDI note data from any other source to the MD, you just need to continue isolating.

One thing at a time :smiley:

Have you solved your initial issue of not being able to send the MIDI sequence over?

Or have I misread and note data from the Rytm MIDI sequencer is successfully playing and it’s only the pads at this point?

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Hey that’s true. I do have the same problems at work, I should really be satisfied with both issues resolved right now. I really can play the sequencer AND the PADS, but I need to test out the GLOBAL config switching, I believe this one can work, and maybe the internal firmware got something bugged the day it worked :laughing: !

MIDI is something great once you figure it out, it’s pretty much like the ethernet protocol… it has channels, different packets, different layers, different kind of messages, sequential data with master slave architecture… It’s very very interesting, yet soooo frustrating. ah!

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Definitely skip the pads and performance for the moment and step back.

Focus on what channels you want to trigger on the MD, I don’t have mine in front of me at the moment and can’t flip through the manual at work but do verify whether the MD is assigned to a single MIDI channel and a subset of notes or whether each machine is assigned to different MIDI channels.

And then on the Rytm verify that you are playing to the same MIDI channel(s) and only the notes that are assigned to each MD machine

I suppose one other thing you can check is whether your clock/tempo is being sent to the MD, you may not wish to start local sequences but you can certainly verify your MIDI chain is correct with that.

Once that’s worked out, it should form a base of understanding what needs to be configured with each pad.

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All of the 12 AR tracks are set to MIDI CH01. AUTO CH is set to 01 as well as MIDI out from the AR is set up as AUTO channel mode. Each 12 tracks are linked to the notes I’ve had set up in the MD GLOBAL menu at MAP EDITOR, C-1 to B0 (default AR pads MIDI notes). I want these 12 tracks to control and sequence my 12 MD machines to build a super complete drum set and enjoy CONTROL ALL, have a decent psy kick.

AR output channel set as TRK can work better when playing with AR CHR mode but I read in another thread it definitely wont be MIDI sequence-able. I can confirm it won’t, it does not, even when hooking the DN instead.

yep, all of these parameters, yet not necessary for this project, are working from MD base channel [1-4], any PRGM change, CTRL IN, TEMPO IN, and TRANSPOSE is working. I can confirm I don’t want those as in the initial set up as I already got a DN or an OT as master running all sync’d up with the AR as a slave. I only wanted to use MD’s powerful sound engine and synth from the AR 12 tracks as a total slave to MIDI notes and Prgm CHs.

  1. Ok, just to check in the Trigs setup menu, you have each TRK set to Send MIDI?
  2. In Pad Dest do you have Int+Ext or Ext set?
  3. Do you have another MIDI device you can check to see if the MD is receiving as expected?

Sure, no reason why it can’t all work together beyond figuring out what’s missing in configuration.

Three times yes :slight_smile:
I’m testing to the DN to see if AR is well configured and yes, everything works including sequencer out, with AUTO channel as MIDI out, SEND MIDI. Pads dest are going INT+ EXT.

I’m going back in the studio in a few hours but I’m keeping an eye to the forum. Thanks a lot for proposing solutions and listening. It’s all very very appreciated. I’ll make some free space online to put a video of necessary.


Right. This is why I’ve made this smaller setup, once I figured out what to do which the MD, I started trying to configure it naturally like just following our fellow members and friendly manual’s recommendations.
That included the TRK X SEND MIDI, AUTO CH as MIDI output, and NOTes outputs. This conversation lead me to understand MIDI notes C-1 to B0 a more proper to the PADs and cannot be changed. PLocks transportation would not work either when listening in MAP EDITOR, only placing a trig over a sequencer and hitting play would input another note value to the MD…

Something is wrong with this machine maybe. Also I thought wiping it would help after a backup of my few machines :laughing:

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Hrm! Have you tried updating to SPS1-UW X.07 ? Or are you sticking with the stock firmware still?

Hi !
I tried the X04 and the latest official one.
I’ve had it factory wiped once too.

I’m going back today and make a few more tests.

Now I’m sure I can’t get this working the way I want, but I’ll keep trying. I have the impression it is not possible to tell the analog Rytm to play the SAME notes on its sequencer than from its PADS. I believe this is the point.

I cannot reach the octave I need to be able to play AND sequence from RecPlay buttons… I miss one octave (the NOT param set to -24 takes me to somewhere a little after B0)

X04 is sick tho. I can hit trig and play like on the Octatrack and get a trig preview which is sick. Conditional trig is awesome too and I cannot love without it now ^^

this thread has been giving me anxiety.

with respect try to limit your posts to the facts as there’s so much info and text here it’s hard to work out what’s going on.

i just tried triggering my MD from Rytm.

It is indeed possible to sequence and trigger from pads (really nice velocity feel compared to internal sounds interestingly).

I achieved this quite straightforwardly, without changing the map editor or any other settings beyond the below list. You changed so many global settings it’s had to keep track of what state both machines are in.

The below should work from standard reset settings on both machines…

Set all Rytm tracks to one midi channel within MDs base midi ch range. Let’s say 1.
Set midi note out from trig setup to on on each rytm track.

When i trigger the pads i can see MD track one triggering from all rytm pads .
This is as they are currently all set to midi note 0 on the Rytm trig page.

Leave rytm track 1 on note 0 to trig MD track one.
Each subsequent MD track is two notes apart.
So MD track 2 is note 2
MD track 2 is note 4
MD track 3 is note 6
and so on until
MD track 15 is note 24

You can change destination in the map editor if needed but this works as is.


cool, thanks a lot …sorry about the anxiety tho, I really tried to gather the precious info on each post so that you won’t scroll to the thread start.

ok, I just feel lost for a moment, I’ll filter the useless stuff

Does it work when turning the machines on again? This question is weird but I needed to post when it worked and the day after… everything was gone… I’ll try that again and try to keep it straightforward