Solved-Missing "MORE" button for overall view of all activities

In the “old” EU Forum we had a “MORE” button to see the activities of all recent/new Forum topics on one page, which was very convenient to have a quick overview of all activities. I am aware we have the “recent activities” view, but I find it too small.

Because of that and as mentioned by others already, it does take much more time now to check what is going on in Elektron Forum and I personally noticed that I keep checking the Forum less than I did at the old Forum.

Also more posts as mentioned by others would be very useful for the overall view and in general.

Thanks for the new Forum! :slight_smile:

What about the forum activity page?

…an annoyance with the activity page is that it only is accessible from the home section. So once you have entered the forum you have to click Home and then the forum activity tab to get back to the overview. Would be nice to be able to get back to this page quickly from anywhere within the forum.

Petur: When you are reading a thread, you can access forum activity directly. The link is located in the bottom sticky-bar.

Yeah, you are right Jon, I haven´t noticed that, I wonder if everyone else knows that, thanks. Maybe it could be placed somewhere else (maybe on the right somewhere), a bit more obvious for everyone to see, but it is great it does exists!!! :joy:

Ahh! Haven’t noticed that! Thanks!