SOLVED: RYTM + Overbridge + Live 9.5 = no sound!

It worked before I upgraded to live 9.5.

Now everything only seems to work, RYTM connects to my system and I can see the meters moving and all.

In live I can see that overbridge is connected when I manipulate parameters, but alas - no sound is getting through!?!

I’ve tried to reinstall overbridge as well - no dice.

I’m so fucking tired of being an audio engineer instead of a musician.

Please someone put me out of my missery!

I guess Overbridge is not compatible with neither 9.5 nor El Capitan yet if youre on OS X.
…or El Crap-itan as som musicians say.

Still after a couple of months I cant believe it…

I’m on windows 7 32-bit.

And I believe that others have overbridge and live 9.5 working - Or am I wrong?

I’m using 9.5 here with no problems

when i first updated, i couldn’t get OB to ‘see’ my machines. what you need to do is this:

  1. power your machines down

  2. open the over bridge control panel

  3. mouse over the RYTM icon to reveal a small grey circled X

  4. click that sucker

  5. power RYTM on and jam out

Well, I’m connected altight.

Overbridge control does receive a signal, and I can see that controllers are moving in the vst-plugins, when I turn a knob.

I’m simply not getting any audio through to Live!?

Any ideas would be appreciated!


I have both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of windows installed on my machine.

I can make overbridge work on my 64-bit version of windows and live 9.5, but that was from a complete fresh install of overbridge and live 9.5.

For some reason I can not make overbridge work on my 32 bit version even though it worked with the previous version of overbridge.

I suspect that for some reason I can not completely uninstall the previous version of overbridge, and that is what is causing my problem here.

Has anybody experienced this and/or have a solution to why I’m not getting sound through to live 9.5 even though sound is being received at the Overbridge Control Panel and everything else seems in order?


Editing the windows registry did the trick.

I believe my problem was a combination of an older version of overbridge being updated to the newest, with a change of the logic board (CPU ID) of my RYTM in between (I had it in for service). When trying to use overbridge, it was still looking for the old CPU ID.

Windows registry needed a cleanup.

  1. I uninstalled overbridge.

  2. Opened the registry file (Start: regedit)

  3. And deleted the three Elektron entries under:
    HKEY_LOKAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> services
    The three entries I deleted was:

  4. Then I rebooted my machine and reinstalled overbridge - et voila, I now have sound getting through in to Live 9.5.

Happy groovy hollidays for all :slight_smile: