Just learning A4 coming from the Digitone. When I copy and paste a sound from one track to another I expected it to sound the same but they don’t. It does change the sound but to something different. Not sure if it has something to do with kit FX settings or something else. Please help a newbie.
I copy by holding down the track and hitting copy. Then I select another track and hit paste.
The only things I can think of are to check your poly settings and make sure you are in the same octave.
Is the sound different when you are running a sequence or manually triggering it? If it’s a sequence there could be parameter locks affecting the sound.
Poly doesn’t seem to be the problem. It sounds like each sound has different effects routings. But that’s not clear when I look at the “Amp” area of each track. I think maybe there is some other level of effects routing I am missing.
I don’t have an A4 but I’ve had this with the DT and DN when volumes on pasted tracks are different, ie they don’t paste. Have you checked that? Also main out routing etc?