SOMA Enner

did you pay already or just sign up?

I ordered in July and got this response:

Dear Garten, thank you for your letter!

There is a waiting list for Enner, quite long.

I’ll add you to the list.

Best wishes,


No mention of any payment. I’ll write them and ask if I can pay upfront, maybe that will speed up the process?

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…as mentioned…i got kind of confirmation, that the “waiting list” is up to 3 month long for now…

which would mean @garten, ur pretty soon about to get one… :wink:

Quick Update: Today I received a confirm from SOMA Russia saying that they have send my Enner to my adress in Germany. Elena spoke about a estimated delivery time of one week. :grinning:Custom tax and clearance seems to be included with what I paid. SOMA will forward me an invoice if german customs want to see it.

So for all those „just“ being on a waiting list, ordering Enner with direct payment (I used Paypal) will ensure and speed up getting a unit. (at least for European Shipping ).

Canˋt wait to play on it :crazy_face:


Hi. Has anyone received their ENNER? Soma took payment in September I have a tracking number now it seems frozen in transit. When I checked with soma they said it was in the U.K. but parcelforce showed me print out saying it was still in Russia? I have now sent the print out to soma but wondered if anyone has had a similar experience. Thanks

Yes, I received my one 3 weeks ago after some some „fun“ with customs and some extra 120€ tax payment …

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Did they send you your tracking number from the curier yet? I received it about one week after payment through paypal and then it took about 3 weeks until I finally had my Enner.

But it was worse the wait, needs some time to get in to it, but I am loving it so far, I real extension of my musical expression…

i got an email that my Enner is ready to go!

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idem, but things change and I don’t want it anymore

oh yeeeeeeeah.

enner is its own thing. lyra is its own thing. pipe is its own thing.

i love all these tools.

edit: observations

  1. whoa, cool. it picks up radio interference!

will soma ever stop creating new instruments just long enough to release earlier instruments they’ve created like the Cosmos?

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Finally got the “now you can order - but only if you want Night Frog” email. That’s fine because that’s the color I want

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SOMA Lab RU emailed me a shipping notice with tracking number. They gave a 3-week estimate, with the disclaimer that COVID may add more delay. I know all about cargo ships getting stuck at docks because of that, so it’s old news to me now.

Still, it’s exciting to know Froggie is on the way.

…so how do u soma enner guys do these days…?

my enner story seems neverending and is kind of a mystery story so far…

as i happyly mentioned here and elsewhere, after not been able to cheat on all this waiting list thing via an attempt to grab it directly at the last superbooth, i joined the waiting list…

then i was able to officially order one…
then i was, pretty soon after, informed that shipping will start soonish…
then i got official conformation it is shipping now and received some cryptic tracking number, that started to work for real tracking a week later…

and that was also the moment, various and numerous scam / fishing messages entered my phone !!!..only occasion i had to let out my phone number was in that official “order ur enner” mail i had to fill out for soma…and their paypal procedure…
and during all that shipping time, taking place in all that pre x mas chaos, i had daily messages on my phone stating stuff like “ur package is ready please click this link…”
i dropped some of these links into my browser and many times i was lucky not to activate that link via my phone, since they were all leading to warnings stating “sure u wanna open this, since it seems to be a dangerous scamming address…”
that all contributed successfully to the fact that dhl, the official end of germanys part of all that shipping process at some point stated, hey, we’ve tried three times to deliver, could not catch u, so now it’s going back to sender, back to russia…sorry…!!!
that they never left a notice, all three times!!!, that my name on the post box is easy to find, the delivery adress was correct and that at least my neighbours were always at home around all that time they stated that they have tried…well that’s another story, another chapter in all this sad story…

so long story made shorter, it took quite a while until soma finally sended me another mail with the info that my enner has finally arrived successfully back in russia AGAIN…!
puh…o…ok…and so we agreed to start all that same procedure one more time…

they don’t charge all those 120 bux on top again, but can’t change anything about the fact that i have to at least pay another 70 bux again…

and guess what…yesterday night…those scamming /fishing messages on my phone, which had stopped right away, once it was clear that the first shipping process had ended unsuccessfully end of last year and i’m not waiting for it desperately, at least for now anymore, have started again…!!!

what the hek is going on here…?
and will i ever get my hands on this thing…?

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I’m really sorry to hear that, what a horrible situation to be in. I’d be livid if that happened to me!

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…uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuff…the sound of relief…

my enner has finally arrived…!

can’t think of any other piece of gear i had to wait and worry that long and that much for…puh.

but here we go now…let’s touch the noize… :wink:




So, it’s been a while now and a few people have their Enners. I’m honestly super interested in this device, it’s visually captivating and has that raw sound that’s easy to get lost in.

So tempted to buy one off Soma!!

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how are soma doing these days anyway? still open for business?
