Some sounds pack are not copied

Hello, I am copying sounds through Transfer in Digitone, they are demo packs from Elektron’s website (… syx) for DIgitone and I don’t know why some packs are not copied … what can I do? thanks

Pleas explain in more detail how you transfer them. Also, if possible share a screenshot.

One thing that comes to my mind, is that you are maybe putting them all in the same place on the Digitone and maybe overwrite what is already there?

…it does not behave like the file system on your computer :slight_smile:

Hello, thanks for answering.

Simply dragging the .syx file to the Transfer does not display on the Digitone that the sounds have been copied

I’m filling banks and before is full go to the next

Can you even use Transfer for that?

I thought only C6 worked (and you can’t combine banks in any case from what I can tell… but would love to be wrong).

C6 is not compatible with MacOs

I have transfered all my sound packs with with Sysex Librarian and have not had any issues. I use Mac as well.

Please, how do you copy on Digitone with this program? i have downloaded but i don´t know how to do it. Thanks

I didi it, and the same packs didn´t copy … :frowning:

And you’ve read and followed the instructions?

Of course…it speaks of C6…

Right, but you should be able to use any sysex transfer program.