Something new

I missed this…I missed us. it’s a NAMMmas MIRACLE!


We are back baby!!!

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81 responses in 5 hours.
is that good ?

its got buttons , lights , made by elektron but no bizarre promo video ?

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Watch, at NAMM it’s not gonna be a reveal, but instead another teaser trailer :smiley:


Aiming to run this thread up to 1k in 3 days. Gotta catch up to MPC.


Hmmm… considering NAMM is only a few days away and this is only being posted now, plus Elektron’s history with teaser campaigns, my guess is that this is not a major new development for Elektron. Maybe something that builds on products already available ?? Having said that I do like surprises !!

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Maybe they just has a bad response to the Heat Teaser


Heat rash



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At least then we would know something significant is on the way

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I was crying haha just bought my OT few week ago… :scream_cat:

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I’m looking in the OT Manual 1.21 with a magnifying glass if there is a code or something like in the “The Da Vinci Code” … maybe it’s in the BANKS, PARTS AND SCENES chapter ? vertically ?

I’m still exhausted with the excitement limbo hat their last teaser period was

Maybe the box is a physical reveal you can take home. A box in a box in a box in a… Russian doll style. Endless layers. Insane nanotech. Like a k-hole or a piece of existential GAS art for your desk - 'the search is endless, the search is futile… ’

You can buy it. But it comes with OS 0.0 which enables it to power on and the lights illuminate but you’ll have to WAIT for the first os to drop before you find out what it does! BRILLIANT!


There seem to be 4 buttons underneath the screen.
If you look at the first of the two last rows, there are at least three buttons on the right of the four middle one.
Maybe four.

4 + 2 x 3 = 10 => Two rows : 20 action buttons ? 24 maybe, if there are four buttons on the right part ?

Where are the knobs?!

On the left of the screen ?
Hard to see, I feel like I have troubles with my vision after watching this picture for too long !

That’s why i think if no knobs or few… it should be something to control with foot.

No knobs. It’s a gaming system confirmed