Sometimes it fails to enter the setup of my ar mk1

sometimes it fails to enter the setup of my ar mk1 I have heard that you have to give it an air cleaner
I have created a ticket in elektron to repair it, how much money can come out

Assuming you mean the alternative function of the Trig button … i.e. Fn+[Trig] then you can confirm that it is the Trig key by going into the Setup Mode which you get to by powering the device on whilst holding down function.

If you enter the test Mode the device will give feedback for any button press. You can establish if it’s the button there and advise Elektron

If a button like that is dusty it would be safe to pry off the cap of the switch and blow compressed air in. It would also be relatively safe to use a drop of contact cleaner (carefully of course with instruction from Elektron) … this advise doesn’t apply to a potentiometer btw.

As ever, get the advice from Elektron and a cost, but most people seem to report being pleasantly surprised by the competitive rate for repair. Repair can be done by a local tech as your device is likely out of warranty, the component will be cheap if it needs to be replaced, it might not

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It’s when I press funtion more global, what was I going to say then you can take it to the official site to have it fixed