Sometimes step sequencer wont let me delete notes?

Bought the Cycles yesterday… I am programming the step sequencer and every once in a while, when I am pressing the keys to program drums I will try to delete one, but it wont let me, I have to keep pressing it and randomly it will work. I think it is a software issue. Does this happen to anyone else?

Also made a reddit post and 2 other people reported the same problem, so I am sure it is a software error

Been a while since I used my M:C, but I think a short stab is needed for delete, a longer press lets you edit (lock parameters etc).


I thought my Cycles was broken when i first got it. Contacted support and got this response:

[…] Note that you need to press rather quickly when removing a trig since locked parameters start being indicated when holding a trig down. ​A longer press is registered as holding down the button and the trig won’t be removed. We are investigating if a longer press needs to be allowed. […]

So nothing is wrong with your cycles. I quickly got used to pressing quicker taps and I almost never notice the problem anymore. But would still be nice if they tweaked it a bit IMO


Yeah I am aware, that pressing and holding is used to control parameter locks, but there is just sometimes it simply doesn’t register the deleting of steps. and it will randomly work after many repeated attempts

Okay I will really keep that in mind when I jam tonight. But I was really thinking there is some kind of bug because I was doing little jabs/fast presses and nothing… then randomly it would work, and I find that it only did it on certain keys, but not on others, until it would.

I think it has something to do with the squishy buttons. I’ve noticed this behavior on my M:C at times, and I think what is happening is an accidental double-press. Either that or you really need to tap the button quickly to remove a trig.


trust the elektron… it knows best… keep the notes


so true