Song Mode and Song Edit queueing bug

Play a song. If you queue up a row while it’s playing, then hit [STOP] before the pattern switch, and then select the same row, when you press play, the row will play twice. So if it was set to repeat 4 times it will play 8 times. Not what a user is expecting, I think. The queued row should be cleared when you navigate to a different row with the sequencer stopped. Because similarly, when you stop the sequencer and select another row, the queued row remains and there’s no obvious way to clear it. At least there you might be able to see what is going on whereas the row playing twice is more obscure, but it still seems more sensible that the song should play from the row you selected in order and not jump around. Not sure of what practical use otherwise might be, so it feels like a bug.

The bug can be “fixed” by pressing stop twice and returning to zero. But I still don’t get why you’re not allowed to clear the queued row when the sequencer was just stopped.

Unless I’m missing something …