Song Mode as Set List feature - an idea

Hey nauts,

It’s amazing the these boxes keep getting updates. Much gratitude to Elektron for expanding the Takts!

One thing I always miss on the Elektron boxes is a function to “cue next pattern”. In the middle of simultaneously operating all my gear on stage (I’m also playing guitar and singing), sometimes I just want to hit a button that cues the next section of my set instead of having to hit bank/pattern, look which is the current pattern and hit the next button along. I used to have this set up with Ableton but I’m moving away from it for now for live use.

I love that the Song Mode has the Loop function, allowing sections to be looped. It also got me thinking that if this function was “inverted” it could work as a pretty cool Set List feature where “cue next pattern” could be triggered. Here’s what I mean:

Current default state: Song Mode used to automate through patterns. Automatically proceeds through the song sections. “Loop” allows a section to be looped until you’re ready to proceed.

Set List mode idea: Change setting of the Song Mode and it becomes like a Set List Mode where patterns automatically loop (like standard pattern behaviour). But instead of having a “Loop” function you have a “Next” function that tells the DT to proceed to the next section in the set list.

So what you would get is the ability to arrange patterns into a set list regardless of their location in bank/pattern slots, and also the ability to hit the same button or button combo each time to proceed through sections of your set.

Anyway, that’s my idea. Probably not useful to everyone but wanted to open a dialogue :slight_smile:

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You might be able to get functionality like this with a foot or guitar pedal that can send midi/sysex to the Digitakt. The manual doesn’t list any midi parameters for controlling song mode but it might be possible using sysex. Maybe the guys at Retroktis can make a programmable pedal. I’d buy one for sure!

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I think you could get pretty close to this with a midi mouse pedal. It sends program change, one step up or down, by default, or change by multiple steps provided you could look down to the pedal and see the numbers.

BUT you would have to arrange your patterns in sequential order, and it sounds like you want to get away from that.


Oh that sounds very useful actually. Will look into this.

For my workflow it could be perfect. Thanks for the tip!

I would like to be able to reorder the songs in song mode, but I haven’t figured out a way to do it. The idea of being able to just trigger the next song in the list would also help. I’m using the DT in a band situation, and having to stoop over the unit and navigate the menus is kind of a pain. That being said, song mode is the reason I even bought a DT. I don’t know why all drum machines don’t have this feature!