Song mode: halt & jump

reading through the manual I’m slightly confused about the use of halt and jump.

I guess I’m pretty confident in understanding how the loop works, but in the manual it says " a loop can also be converted into a jump, a jump with refer to the song pointer position to the row that you select "

When i go to turn the sound selection wheel I become confused… How does this exactly work and how do you use it?


It’s simpler than you might think…jump just means jump back to this particular position.
I guess it’s different than a loop because you can jump forward.

The halt just means stop, wait til you hit play again.

The difference is that a JUMP will take you to any measure and just play forward from that point. A LOOP can also take you to any measure (occurring before the loop point), but with the added feature of being able to return to that start point a repeating number of times (which you designate). You can think of Loop as “return to a point a certain number of times”, and Jump as “go here, once”.

In regards to JUMP, you could potentially just have a few patterns, and within Song Mode, use JUMP to shuttle between sections of a track.

In regards to LOOP, you can use this when writing longer compositions, so you don’t have to (for example) map patterns like: A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2… you can instead just map like this: A1 A2 (Loop x3). It’s a quicker way of extending repeating sections of a track, rather than writing each and every measure. You can also use LOOP to return to an earlier part of the track, and have it play only one time through.

Just create a few simple patterns and experiment with the Song mode. You’ll get used to it, and it’s well worth it because you can actually do some pretty cool stuff in Song Mode (transpose patterns or tracks, create patterns not on a 16 step grid, mute tracks, etc).

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thanks very much :slight_smile:

Thank you, this was really helpful. I’m only now just beginning to explore Song Mode and wonder how others structure their compositions and name their patterns/kits, because wow, this is one of the most powerful features of these machines, yet I don’t hear people talking about using it very much.