Song mode problem! SOS!


I recently bought an Elektron Machinedrum (second hand) and i have this big confusing problem (i ll try explaining in steps):

1.i choose extended mode

2.create a kit (with all the elements that consists a kit, bass drum, snare drum etc)

3.named the kit and saved it (lets say i named it KIT1)

4.made 16 patterns with with some rhythm

5.switched to Song mode

  1. made a song

7.saved and named the song

now the problem (again in steps)

1.made another kit (with all the elements that consists a kit, bass drum, snare drum etc different sounds from the KIT1 ofc.)

2.saved it and named it (KIT2)

3.made 16 patterns with a rhythm

  1. switched to song mode

  2. made the song

  3. It plays the rythm of KIT1 with the sound of KIT2

    Is there a way to create a KIT and save the patterns you create for that KIT? So when you change KIT, patterns load with it ?

Am i doing something wrong?

And just a reminder: i am using EXTENDED MODE.


My question is if i want to play a live set with the MD and my set consists of 10 songs, i am gonna use 8 kits and 8 banks (because thats the number of banks the MD have) so how am i supposed to create two more banks with 2 more kits. ( Kit creating isnt the problem here but the number of banks)

Hey buddy,

I think I know the problem.

When you create your KIT2 patterns, you have to save it on another pattern, reserved for this. I’m not clear but, when I got lots of various kits, I usually save them on another bank.

This structure is not mandatory, it helps me figuring wich KIT will be fired, when…My organisation.

Example :

I got KIT1 on bank A. All my patterns (A1, A2…A16) are full.
Now, I got my KIT2 on bank B, I create my patterns on bank B (B1,B2…B16).

After that, when I wanna build my song using all those elements, I build it like it :

A1 X2
A2 X1
A3 X4
A4 X2

A16 X1
B1 X2
B2 X1
A12 X2
A8 X4
B7 X2
A3 X3
and so on…

This way your two kits will be loaded the way you want. See this like two objects (Banks) wich needs space to express. If you are on the KIT1 and create a pattern, it will be KIT1. If you wanna change it, go on the pattern and load KIT2.

Don’t forget to save/copy/backup you snapshot (always !!!) when you do things like this. I’ve lost thousand of stuffs.