Sonic State Elektron history video


Nice presentation Cenk :slight_smile:

Elektron have produced a few really great instruments. I guess the Machinedrum, non-UW, is still the best instrument in my book, all things considered.

whoohoo! was waiting for this one :slight_smile: gonna watch it right away ā€¦ beloved SFX-6 :frowning: :sob:

oooh yea! get to watch this while i sip my morning coffee =)


sorry, had toā€¦ :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit: iā€™ll need to get one again one day!

@ Guga where are you located? I have an SFX-6 for sale.

That was cosy.

Also, now iā€™m sad because i want to go home to my Elektronā€™s :sob:

yay nice one Cenk :slight_smile:


YEAH nice video CENKā€¦ I just to watch itā€¦ Iā€™m happy that the company grow like that. I hope Elektron keep the good stuff with new hardware machine and implement improvement of the overs too. Thatā€™s (at least for me) an essential trust i put in Elektron, i hope to not be disappointed as itā€™s a huge invest i done in all of the machines for my Live Performance.

mmmā€¦isnā€™t going to happen soon unfortunately :sob: but good to know though, thanks :slight_smile: (germany)


great stuff!

Cenk, I really loved this video you made with Nick. Lovely tour of the companyā€™s narrative and these brilliant instruments.


Iā€™m interested in knowing why you think the Machinedrum, non-UW is the best instrument? Not judging just curious.

heh yeah. Selling my Sidstation and SFX-6 are two of the few pieces of gear I regret selling.

Iā€™m interested in knowing why you think the Machinedrum, non-UW is the best instrument? Not judging just curious. [/quote]
Just a highly personal opinion. I realise the word ā€œbestā€ can mean anything.

I guess what Iā€™m referring to is that the SPS-1 has one of the most intuitive interfaces of any instrument Iā€™ve ever played - uncluttered, simple and straightforward. It might seem limited compared to Elektronā€™s later instruments, and compared to much of the competition today. But it offers a wealth of creative potential within its deceptively simple interface, and therein lies its beauty.

All imho. Iā€™m probably coloured by my own history with the MD though :wink:

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:+1: ^

That video reminds me of when I saw a picture of the prototype Sidstation in Future Music magazine! If I remember correctly it originally had a slightly curved face plate machined from aluminium.

Wow I never seen that one. I have the black Sid station know as the police edition. Iā€™m so happy I never sold it. Itā€™s been with me since 1999. Time flies! I loved see it get some love on the vid. :alien: