Sonicware Liven Texture Lab

Something new coming from Sonicware?


Orrrrrr they’re just paying homage to krautrock (what a shitty genre name, by the way)


Guessing it’s this?




I’m not a big fan of the miami dolphins.


Youre referring to the colors? Or the sound? :wink:

LOL you’re going to make me choose?

Well the colors but also it’s no Tempera, I’ll say that flat out.

The Texture Lab is 4-voice polyphonic and can record 32 samples of up to 6 seconds at 16/32kHz mono. The Texture Lab can also resample internally. The 128-step sequencer can be used to record notes as well as changes in granular processing parameters. This can be done in both real and step time.

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oooohhh, i like! check that dub chord at 8m25s

Wow this sounds so nice for ambient and on such low and accessible price!
I am super impressed.

The demo totally sold it!

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They know their audience and their audiences price range.

The LFO around 12:40 sounds ok.

I’m not a fan of the shimmer, but I don’t really care for shimmer reverb that much in general. The low drone sound @ 9:36 is my favourite part, and the sort of thing I’d end up doing most with a granular synth I think.

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This is an excellent demo. This box sounds way better than expected and looks like it could be a lot of fun.

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The tutorial really shows some nice depth in sample manipulation.

Honestly, is there any on a similar budget doing this much when it comes to granular synth? Seems like another soon-to-be classic from Sonicware.


The Microfreak is close, but lacks that lush Shimmer.

Interesting how this compares to ELZ_1 engine… and to Microfreak. What a strange coincidence with 5.0 update

Looks like the perfect ambient machine.

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Sounds a lot like the Lemondrop from when I had it. It’s a shame that it is mono samples only, and no screen to see the waveform. But as a UI will probably feel a lot better than the Lemondrop did.

I wish the demo didn’t rely on shimmer so much… I wonder if it can do negative shimmer?

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