Sonicware SmplTrek

quick question what is the audio interface like?. I mean is it similar to sp404 mk2 where its connected and I can sample anything I hear from Windows into it. For example in Ableton can I record some chords into it , apply an effect then send it to ableton to be used?

Yeah, it becomes a stereo usb audio interface, and with the LOOP track type, you can record loop (bpm + bar count) sized samples.

I just exported stems from my project (audio export —> individual tracks) and they all have different lengths. I had to arrange them manually in Live. One of the stems was exported without time stretching. Has anyone run into this problem? Or is this exactly the way it’s supposed to work?

UPD. My friend told me he has the same issue with exporting his project from Cubase. He putted one empty MIDI note at start and another one at the end of timeline.
So i made oneshot track (MIDI track could not be exported) with 2 oneshots: at start and at the end of timeline and muted the track (it’s not necessary to mute, just don’t add the track to the DAW project). It helped but one stem still hasn’t the same length (and is not time streched).

UDP 2. Don’t know the source of troubles. I think, it’s in Live (DAW), not in Smpltrek.
Sometimes Live cuts empty space in stems. Sometimes not lol.

Quick question. I just ordered one.

Can I sample a sound from my Moog app on the iPad, 4 different sample sounds on 4 different instrument tracks and then play them chromatically from my sequencer. I’m assuming only 1 octave higher or lower will sound ok but that would be great. Sequencing all at once.

Sure, sequencing instrument track notes externally works. By default track 1-13 is midi channel 1-13, whole project params on channel 14, etc.

MIDI chart is here.

If you’re just using the instrument tracks as a simple sound module, no problem. If you want to record the sequences to the internal clips, that needs to be done per track/per clip as far as I can tell. I also don’t think it records automation data at the moment — correct me if I’m wrong please!

Perfect. I"m going to use it occasionally as a simple sound module for my other gear and at times as a portable take anywhere thing. Will see how it goes.

Just got my unit. Takes a lot of button presses to do all sorts of stuff…hope I can find more shortcuts.

But, for the money, it’s a great deal. Samples well, sequences internally very well…ableton type clip recordings. I can see once I set up some templates with all the settings the way I want that it will be a lot quicker. And, having longer global tracks to play over the clips like with the Roland MV will be cool to try out.

I will try it tonight for some ipad sampling from a few apps and then sequence them with my hardware sequencer. I can envision using this for quite a few things. The screen is a “small” issue but for what I want to use it for, no biggie.

A screen twice or 3 times the size and this thing might be perfect with a few other additions also.


The sampltrek is crazy for the price. I was using it as a looper for a bit. Then I laid down 8 bars of drums in 2 different scenes and then played my synth on 1 global track over the full 16 bars.

I love it has an internal speaker but if they had nixed that and made the screen 3 times wider it would be so much nicer. BUT, I can deal with it with my reading glasses so no big.

I’m also using it with one shots on 8 different channels with my Oxi One in multi mode.

Amazing device for the price, nothing like it.


The firmware updates are really doing a nice job of rounding out and refining features. 2.0 has just improved the workflow for sampling and dealing with kits and instruments, plus finally unquantised record has been implemented.

I’ve been looking for a portable, battery powered groovebox, with stereo sample handling, velocity sensitive pads, unquantised recording and the ability to take multitrack stems out of the device and into the DAW for finishing, without costing tons and ideally having more than 4 tracks to play with (looking at you OP-1 Field). There’s so few devices that meet these criteria, but this update puts the Smpltrek on the list.


Fantastic update! more than I wished/hoped for. I am happy to be a kickstarter supporter of this project

Anyone found a good case to transport the SmplTrek in?

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Killer update. Haven’t used mine for a while (just too busy) and the new features add a massive amount to the usability. That Quick Sample shortcut is so sweet :+1:


The only thing holding me back from the Smpltrek is the screen. Just way too worried this is a squinter even with my spectacles. If this had the Tracker Mini screen it’d be a done deal because in so many ways this is the portable songwriting machine I’ve waited forever for.


watched FB’s video on a fairly big telly yesterday and even with glasses I struggled to read even the enlarged screen. Let alone what it’s like outdoors!

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Yeah even when I zoom into high rez images of the screen it’s tough for me.

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Reminds me of those very early portable tv’s when they moved from the boombox sized ones to the xl crackerjack box but the screen was still the size of a calculator watch.

Otherwise, all the features look dope. The unimpressive resale value on reverb tells a rather strange story though so I’m hesitant to believe it’s in the same league with DT or the 404mkII.


used to have one of those little (box model) Casio tv’s when they came out, pretty cool it was too:)


Yeah, it is fairly hard to read. It’s odd though, you can do most stuff on muscle memory and visual indicators such as the track buttons and the keyboard buttons. Sort of works, though it’s hard to put your finger on why :rofl:

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Could an owner of the Smpltrek clarify a couple of things for me please? I’ve been searching forums, youtube videos and the manual but haven’t managed to find a definitive answer.

Does the Smpltrek have a filter per channel and can automation of that filter be recorded?

Generally what types of automation can be recorded? Can Send FX send amount be automated for example?

I just got mine today, so I can’t completely answer, but I’ll look into it more.

There is a filter per track. I’m not sure how adjustable it is, or if it can be automated. Maybe someone else can clarify that.

Send FX can be automated per step.

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This is my first impressions review after 3+ hours with the device.

The Screen

I’m happy to admit that I was wrong about the display. I thought the display would be horrible, and unreadable, but in fact it’s clear, and very readable. I have less than stellar vision, and I’m not having problems reading it. The m8 Tracker is harder for me to read than this display which comes down to the size of the fonts, and the weight of the text. Some states are difficult to interpret, but that’s not the display, but how they chose to visualize specific toggles. One example of UI with this issue is the quantize vs unquantified step recording toggle.

The Hardware

This thing feels great. I’ve owned an ELZ_1 and I also have a couple of Liven. The Liven feel like they are made from cardboard coated in plastic, but the SmplTrek feels nice and durable in my hands. The knobs are a bit wobbly, but don’t feel bad. Overall it also feels good in the hands, and depending on the workflow you choose you can comfortably use it while holding it.

The Experience

I know I’m in a honeymoon phase, but overall I’m pretty in awe about the experience. I can figure out most things with minimal effort, and a lot of the flow is pretty logical. The sampling workflow is great, and I love the auto-chopping functionality. It’s fast to sample something, and then jump into sequencing it.

I like that there are multiple ways to sequence:

  • Play in your sequence
  • Use the gamepad key
  • Use the sequence buttons to sequence

The amount of FX is a nice balance of send, insert and global fx which provides a balance of sound shaping possibilities. I wish it had a few more FX, and I can’t quite figure out if you can shape the individual track filters, or if envelope shapes can be adjusted.

It being battery powered is a joy, and I’ve been moving around with it from room to room because I can. I also wouldn’t be afraid to travel with it, because the cost isn’t so much that it would be hard to replace. I bought mine as a B-condition from Perfect Circuit for around $300.

Buy or Not Buy?

If you want a sampler, and don’t have one I think it’s a no-brainer.