Sound mysteriously went out with ob2 and dt

First off, I’m brand new to elektron and overbridge. I’m running ob2 in ableton using OS high sierra. I had it working perfectly about an hour ago, started laying down a beat, resampling and chopping in ableton. So I had it set up right. I literally went upstairs to grab a bite to eat and came back down within 25 minutes and I’m not getting any audio now. I didn’t change any settings or restart the digitakt since I was just running away for a minute. I am getting audio from the other channels with the resample through my external soundcard still, I can hear the ableton click track, etc. digitakt is starting when I hit play on space bar. My compressor on the ob2 channel is even showing audio signal but theres no sound and the channel itself isn’t reading the sound. The settings on the channel are correct… any ideas?? This digitakt is the most frustrating piece of gear I’ve ever had… I’ve had so many issues with losing sound while working on a project so I was hoping overbridge would fix that issue. It’s a bummer because everyone speaks so highly of it, but I want to throw mine out the window. Any advice would be great

Sorry man but Seems like user error to me… I’ve never just had the audio just stop working and I use elektron stuff and overbridge nearly every day…
Sounds like you have something set wrong in ableton have you got the channel set to in?
check all the basics again You can try restarting the digitakt… and computer if all else fails

If you are new to elektron gear it takes some time to really get comfortable with how it all works with OB and everything else give it some time. it gets heaps easier and faster after a while…

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