Sound name and number in a track

Hi all,

Fairly new owner of Digitone here and still exploring its vast possibilities.
I know that when you select a track, the sound name appears briefly on top of the screen but without the bank number, it makes it very difficult to find it if I want to use the same sound in a different pattern for example.
Is there a way, for a given track, to see the sound name + its bank number as displayed in the Sound Browser?
I know you can search for a sound name but I think it would be so much easier to display “B004: Superbass” rather than just “Superbass”…

You could simply copy the sound (TRACK+COPY) and paste to the other pattern, would that solve your problem?

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It does, partly, and that’s what I did so far.
But my point is (and maybe that’s a habit inherited from other synth), if I like a bass called XYZbass for instance and I want to use it on a new blank pattern, its a lot easier to know its located in B004 than having to manually going through hundreds of sounds or search using the search function.

I believe Overbridge shows that information.
Aside from that, on the device itself, this is largely what the search filters/tags are meant to accomplish. If you know it’s a bass sound and tagged as a bass, you can filter search all bass sounds in a specific bank or on all banks. If you know it has XYZ in the name then you can also search for XYZ. Favorites on top of that and you have a lot of options.

Didn’t know you could favorite a sound, good to know, thanks! :slight_smile:

I got the habit to use the last Banks for my favorite sounds, so I know them (and systematically load the whole Bank P in the Sound pool each new project)

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Nope, holding the track down(iirc) gives the current (may be the source name of a donating file) but there’s no linking to location bank or slot - when it’s loaded there’s a divorce - when it’s within the project it is no longer connected to the +Drive

The Sound brought into a track or as part of a kit loses any connection to its origins in terms of original location. The name is a clue, but no guarantee of a match as either can be independently updated. I can’t see how Overbridge can be any different as there’s no mechanism logging the origin

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That’s the logic i try to use too, P is Perfect for Pool …

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Exactly :slight_smile:

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