Sound of digitakt vs Octatrack

Thanks for all your post i close the subject regarding the digitakt sound,


It’s all about the skills. Both these units can have a “professional sound”, whatever that means to you. Don’t look for more gear, just practice.


ThĂ© diffĂ©rence in sound in a blind test won’t be noticeable if you play only the sample without any effect.
Sure the OT has stereo but that’s the main difference.
On the ADC so if you sample, the DT is a bit better.

So don’t expect to see a noticeable upgrade in playing or sampling mono sound.

Only useful if you need stereo sample.

There are a lot of topics covering many aspects of this 
 a search is always recommended as per the guidelines


“ahh shit, here we go again.” :rofl:


the gap is narrower between them now that th DT has a second LFO and overbridge is mature. the main thing the OT has going for it afaik is the scene fader, which is pretty powerful admittedly and i do wish i had it, but i also love my overbridge integration, which OT doesnt have. but the DT sounds fantastic, theere’s no reason you shouldnt be able to get a ‘professional sound’ out of it.

The Digitakt plays mono samples, all the stereo imaging you get from the DT is due to panning or FX. The Octatrack plays stereo samples so you get stereo imaging from the samples themselves as they were recorded, that’s the main difference.

Comparing the quality of sounds from a YouTube video is meaningless, there is so much processing and data compression used by YT that you can’t really know how a machine sounds without playing with it live, the fairest way to compare would be if you had access to both at the same time and played the same source material. The impression you have is probably more the difference in quality of the sounds being played in the videos you watched compared to the sounds you make on the DT.

The sound quality of both is excellent, they are professional products, not just hobbyist/prosumer, acclaimed artists use them as instruments so we can safely assume the quality is good.

I have an Octatrack and had a Digitakt for a long while, don’t really notice any “quality” of sound either way being better, they might sound different but both sound “professional”, whatever you mean with that.

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Get Stimmings mastering box if you want true Pro audio. :thinking::+1:t2:


Plus stereo samples, track recorders, flex/pickup/thru/neighbour machines, streaming samples from the card, ability to use one “kit” (part) across multiple patterns, individual effects per track, arpeggiator for external MIDI, etc etc.

I’d take all of that over Overbridge and a slight high end boost to recorded samples any day.


Did somebody mentioned timestretch yet? :slight_smile:


They both sound better then everything you can listen to on youtube or Spotify as long as you feed the machines with lossless samples.

No offense to the OP as im sure they have a legit question but does it feel like that sometimes this forum is getting trolled? :slight_smile:


I mean it’s not like DT is just a slight high end boost + overbridge either, that is just what people always compare (raw sample playback) its filter, overdrive, delay, reverb are all a step up in quality imo (less options though). Larger chromatic pitch range is nice, midi that can overlap notes, midi program changes per step
 not saying one is better than the other but they both have some nice unique qualities.


Honestly, and I don’t mean to offend you with this, but you can solve this by simply learning more about mixing and the DT itself. The tool in this case is definitely not the cause.



well im talkinjg about from the perspective of a studio instrument, with minimal hardware. overbridge gives me much more in that regard