[Sound Pack Analog Four MKII ] (MKI and Keys compatible)

Hey guys!

I finally finished my new Sound Pack “Shapes” for the Analog Four MKII :partying_face: It contains 64 patches and as always, no special style, so there’s hopefully something for everyone :crossed_fingers:
I hope you like it and wish you pleasant vibes :man_dancing:

Download link can be found on my sellfy page: https://floppydiskpirates.sellfy.store


Soundscapes, atmos and cinematic pads clashes with experimental sequences and mixed with playful leads and sfx to a sound pack that shows one new mutable side of the Analog Four MKII!

Feel free to drop me some lines, your feedback is welcome! Or if you have any questions or suggestions, I’m here. I would be happy to hear from you. :slight_smile:


That’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for! :exploding_head: I thought you were out of business but cool to see something new! The patches are really great, deep, dreamy and very unusual. But in a positive sense. So I guess I will mutate my A4 with your patches for the next few days :wink: Thanks a lot and if you have time, please tell me which bass you used at the beginning of your demo track “monostabil”. This one is so intense! Thanks!

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Hey @breakdown88 First of all, thanks for your kind words. And yes, I took a long break. A lot of work and I hardly got to work on sound packs … But now to your question.

I’m not 100% sure now because I don’t have the A4MKII at hand but it could be that the bass I used for the demo track “monostabil” is called “HYPO”? Tomorrow I can tell you exactly! Thanks again and have a nice day :relieved:

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Just got a Analog Four MK1 today… Grabbed your everything pack. great stuff. Will help me get acquainted with this old thing. Thanx


I was promising myself to stop buying lame and always getting lamer, crappy and getting crappier soundpacks, but let me tell you: this one is very, very good.
inspiring and colourful.
Finally usable and professional sounds for starting creative juices on A4


Yep, the workflow with these patches is a dream. Did four doodles today without having to change much.


It makes me really happy to read your words :heartpulse: I am very excited how the sound pack will affect the community. A good start so far :relaxed: Thank you @alex3368 And many thanks for your support!


I love the old first analog for. When I look back how much fun I had / have with this machine, I get real nostalgic feelings :heart_eyes: I wish you that the a4 is as fun as it was for me and hope the patches fits to your style and that you can integrate them well into your arrangement. Thank you for supporting me @thoughtstarZ


welcome back!!!


Yes, thank’s, almost two years have passed :flushed: But I’m getting more active again when it comes to making sound packs!


Yeah I feel like an Elektron antique collector :upside_down_face: . Started with an OT MK1 almost three years ago (no presets, kinda the opposite of presets), then got a MnM MK1 last year (kinda has starting points, but I’m still learning the machines). Now that I’m super accustomed to the OT, most boxes are fun. After this long it’s fun to have presets to learn from and tweek! This thing is fun, and it’s gonna be great as a MnM effects box too. Glad I could support.


Yeah you can’t let it go. You are one of the best.
Thank you


Hmm that all in one bundle looks interesting :slight_smile:

Most of these packs were made for the MK1/Keys, do they sound as nice on the MK2 as well?


I’ve been around for some time too, to be precise, since the beginning of the analog series and since then I have had almost all the machines except the MnM and the OT. Somehow I got a little fear watching all the tutorials on youtube for the OT. But I hope that will solve itself if I buy the thing one day and get used to it. I think I always like to focus on one thing at a time because I’m not the multitasking type. Since January of this year I have been concentrating completely on the Digitone. I fell in love with the little box when @Elektron asked me to create part of the factory sound content for it. When I got the message, I quickly ordered the machine and after patching I just kept it :relaxed: I think that was my best investment. I think the form factor gives me a better overview. That little thing always has a trick to put a smile on my face.


Hi @starmanwarz With a few sounds I had to adjust the overdrive so that the resonance did not take over but the results were not worse, just different. Sometimes a completely new sound was created. But all in all I tried to make most patches compatible. I think the drum pack “drum enthusiast”, causes the most problems when it comes to compatibility to the MKII model. Smallest deviations and the kick or snare does not have the desired impact. But maybe new ideas and sounds will come up here too?


:joy: As long as work and time allow, I will never stop :control_knobs: Thank you for your motivating words @William_WiLD


I checked it again and yes, it’s the “HYPO” patch. A little LFO based bass sequence.

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Yeah, one box at a time for sure. I spent a coupe years with just the OT. But, I am a slow learner for sure. Some people just get it right away. I think you would enjoy it, especially with your knowledge of synthesis. I suppose if you really have been contemplating it for years and researching it, you might have your exact use in mind. That’s really what takes the longest…finding out what exactly you want to do with all the power it has, and practicing a lot so that your muscle memory is there. For me, I came into it thinking I knew what I wanted to do…and then the OT said “nah” and showed me the way. :upside_down_face:
As for the Digitone…well, I have been working with synthesis for years, but have never really studied it. I’m trying to get down subtractive at the moment. Don’t think I fully understand FM, with it’s complex harmonics and routing… It seems such a crazy over complex way of going about things, when I’m so used to subtractive synths. I might get there, but I’d rather just concentrate on the simple things right now.
The MnM has a few really crazy FM machines, that I really dont understand, but they make those sounds when i turn the knobs (those old FM techno stabs)… Do you have any recordings of your stuff with the Digitone?


Thank’s mate I found it. So deep and tight, love it! :star_struck:

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Really enjoying this pack! And I got your bundle while at it so lots to dig into mate - thanks!

I think it’s great to make your own sounds but I really appreciate having some great sonic inspiration like this to get me inspired by the device, the A4 in their case, to make my own sounds - thanks!