For two years I was only obsessed with mastering and finding the right DAW for me. And when I did a loop, I immediately master it instead of making a song out of it. It’s just an interesting topic and once you get in touch with it there is so much to discover that it takes a lot of time.
I feel you!!! I have been dealing with the Analog Four and Digitone for over a year now and still beats me… But It’s really fun! I use your patches all the time for learning, really helps my sound design
Just a short info: My website “floppydiskpirates” is down forever! But all of my Sound Packs and Free Patches are stored here at
I just ordered a push 2 yesterday, it will arrive tomorrow. A lot of money but maybe it will serve me more than just a supplement that I use from time to time. I just hope that I can fully integrate it into my setup. Otherwise the price just doesn’t make sense. How long have you been using it? Do you use it often? I’m looking forward to just using it to control Ableton’s wavetable synth.
I own Push 2 for long time now and I use it a lot right in the middle of my desk! Most of the time I recording samples from loopback while browsing or watching movies or yt videos and chopping them afterwards. Making beats and sequences (not as cool and fast as on the Octatrack but more usable for my style of music). And everything on the fly, running Ableton in background without to have an eye on it. I think you will not be dissapointed once you get used to it. It’s a nice device and always helpful to have him by my side. But could be a little cheaper and the encoders feels cheap compared to elektron devices…
I can send you some really cool tutorials just in case you need help with push. Let me know…
This is exactly what I’m planning to do with push since I saw ricky tinez doing that in one of his youtube videos.
I noticed that everything I made on the elektron boxes is either ambience with arps and stuff or techno. The sequencer simply invites me to do so In Standalone… But as soon as I switch on Ableton and forget about the overbridge and record everything step by step in a traditional way, I manage to return back to my actual music style
Just wanna let all Analog Four (MKI+MKII) and Analog Keys enthusiasts know about the price drop of the “All in one Bundle” or “Everything Sound Pack”. Over 680Analog Four Patches from 8 different Sound Packs for just €30.
Thanks buddy, that offer is really a steal man! I already had your bundle anyway and I use your patches almost every day and keep getting fantastic results. You’re really a wizard of synthesis! Even if I look at some patches in detail to understand them, I still can’t understand how you came up with this idea