Sound Pool Questions

After the obligatory reading of TFM I unfortunately have some questions about how sounds work on the Syntakt. I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask these, and I probably won’t be the last, but…

  • Sound manager lets me load sounds to the sound pool, but I have to go through all of these irrelevant sounds that “cannot be loaded to active track” or previewed due to the divide between digital and analog machines. Is there not a digital/analog sort or filter option? This is also an issue when going through the pool itself since analog and digital sounds are all mixed up in there. Am I missing something?

  • The sound “browser” on the other hand filters for me so I only see relevant sounds, great…but I don’t see a load to sound pool option, just the ability to load it to an actual track. Darn.

  • Is there a shortcut for saving sounds, or is hitting func+sound then “save sound” the only way?

  • What’s the point of the “load sound” menu? It seems to just be the sound manager with less functionality (labels, filters etc)

All of the above has me questioning whether I should bother with the pool at all or if I should simply use the browser to load sounds in to tracks, labeling my sounds with a “mine” label as I go. Still, would be nice to have the pool as a sort of project “kit” to go off of. Any insight would be appreciated.


I have some of the same questions. Never used the pool on my Digitakt, but it seems really handy for the Syntakt.

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yeah not being able to preview sounds, and not being able to tell which ones, it’s kinda annoying.
I too would like to know if there is a solution.

Wouldn’t you just press FUNC + YES to preview the sound while it’s highlighted?

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yes but if you’re on a digital track you cannot preview an analogue sound and viceversa, and as far as I can tell there’s no way to differentiate the two from the sound manager

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I admittedly have mostly been tweaking from the machine page and haven’t jumped into presets much yet, but I think I remember seeing on the bug report thread that the sounds that cannot be used have a small ! at the end of the name when highlighted. The bug report was that sometimes the longer named sounds obscure this “!”. I agree it would be nice if they were filtered in some way automatically based on the digital or analog circuit.

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I’m sure there will be an eventual OS fix that allows you to filter out unusable sounds - that or Elektron labels things more clearly. Until then however the pool is kind of a mess to use, I guess. Oh well.


if only the “!” was at the beginning of the line instead, that would already be a great improvement

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It’s really annoying to scroll through +1200 sounds to find the right one. I want to put my favourite sounds to the sound pool, but after more than 1 hour of scrolling, searching and listening I’m really tired.
If you scroll through the browser every incompatible sound shows a sign, that this sound can’t be loaded. If you change the track to previev this sound every already marked sound is unmarked and often you her three sounds: the one in your analog track, then the one in the digital track you switched to and then the sound you want to preview…

Think it’s like:

  • if you press yes on anything in sound manager then click > takes to a place to save to SoundPool. You use the SoundPool sounds to Sound Lock on trigs.
  • if you’re in sound browser it’s mostly for the machine sound, so in question of Load sound it assigns that sound to the machine
  • the known issue about filtering for sounds that match the machine you are on is a complaint from everyone, either a bug or feature on the way we hope

…i don’t know why browser and manger have to be two different things for the same thing…
but there must be some reason, otherwise it would be the same thing…

the pool is THE weapon, since it’s the gatekeeper to sound plocking which is simply mindblowing and the only way to have one track playing various different sounds on the same lane…

since it is a digital/analog hybrid, there’s no real easier way around the fact that some sounds can’t be loaded from here to there or vice versa…
but that fades out pretty much, once u really know the device…

prefilling the pool with some nice preselection from the manager is a good thing…
take the time to do that twice…once prelistening from a digital machine track…
and once prelistening from an analog machine…oh, and of course one more time from that analog cymbal track… :wink:

prelistening can be comfortably done now, since 1.01, via the keys, also in fold mode…
whenever u hear some same default sound again, u know this sound is not ment to be for this kind of track machine…
it’s a bit tedious at first…but that’s “only” training ur muscle memory…and there’s no truu swedish glam without muscle memory… :wink:
at some point u know the soundmanager and can adapt to it’s according bank separation splits…

but don’t fill the pool up to limit right from get go…u always wanna leave some headroom for sounds u create along the way per project, u might then also wanna save/add to it…

choose ur few favourite analog kiks…choose ur few favourite analog bass sounds…
choose ur few favourite analog snares and hihats and leads and percs…
same for the digital machines…but really only pick some essentials and some favs each…save that as a blank project for further startingpoints…but always leave some room for all the rest to come within each new project…

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Is there no way to save the current track sound to the sound pool directly?

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My hand would cramp up fast exploring sounds in the sound manager pre 1.01. Now with the fold and scales being there readily available while browsing, i easily explore sounds and musical ideas and keep browsing and not get super uncomfortable quick/fatigued. Really does help a lot, and its fun as heck when jamming.

I try to think of having some of my projects as just big “kits”, with the sound pool loaded up with those types of sounds Im feeling particular for when im wanting to start making music.

…the thing though, is the sounds don’t get saved on the particular octave I want it. It’ll start in the middle. Or am I wrong?

When saving a sound to a bank that has a different octave, you have to go to func + … and then choose setup then scroll to octave then put in the octave you want, then hit no and scroll down to save sound and save it etc…

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Since Elektron made Soundlocks with Analog Four, I still wish for a simpler way to save Soundlocks like : hold a trig and turn Level knob with any combination to save it with its current parameters. Imagine the faster workflow within a project…:exploding_head:

And Multi Map please ! (Digitone and Analog Four have that fuckin great feature)


The soundpool and soundbrowser experience is definitely the poorest aspect of the Syntakt for me. Having a sound browser and a sound manager just makes no sense. Surely everyone wants to just scroll through sounds whilst hearing them and quickly just put them in to the project soundpool (the closes thing we have to kits) with just an additional button press?

It doesn’t help that even with overbridge the software soundbrowser doesn’t seem to have a quick way to hear the presets before dragging them to the soundpool.

Unless of course I am missing something?


Agree ,I’m struggling to work out how best to organise the sound pool.

I’ve taken the time to go through them all. First, I selected an analogue track and browsed through all of the sounds in the sound manager, selecting the ones I wanted and copied them to the sound pool. I will be using the analogue sounds mostly for drums. Second, I selected a digital track and again wanted to browse through all the sounds again to select the digital ones that should be used for the pool. However, no matter what kind of track I have selected, it only lets me preview the same ones (only the analogue ones will be available to the preview). Does anyone else have the same issue? The sound pool has always been a great tool to get creative fast and the first thing I would do with a new machine is customize the pool but on Syntakt it feels kind of unusable atm. I would even go take the time to listen through all, but it seems I can’t or am I missing something?

Ah I understand previewing analogue sounds works with Fn+Yes and digital sounds only with chroma keyboard. Kind of misleading

Took some (one time) preparation effort, but here’s how I “unlocked” the sound-pool for my workflow.

  1. Use the Elektron Transfer-App to backup all sounds on your PC.
  2. Clear/Wipe the pool completely.
  3. Load back the sounds (with the transfer app) in an organized/per bank way. I chose to sort “instruments” per bank, meaning:
    Bank A= all the kicks, Bank B= all the snares, Bank C= all the claps etc…

That way if I am looking to change the preset on my snare-track for example, i can simply select the corresponding bank and browse only suitable sounds.
In addition: I think it’s good practice trying to keep certain instruments on the same tracks across all patterns anyway…

Hope this helps :slight_smile:
…and keep in mind to save new sounds to the correct bank for future convenience.