Honestly, I am disappointed to say this device isn’t agreeing with me at all. I have tried to find the answer to one simple question, all over YouTube and no one is answering the question - and what’s even stranger is, I am reading forums, of people telling other users with similar questions to address section 14.2 ‘saving sounds’ pg59 in the manual when the manual only goes up to 9.0 and is only 33 pages??? I mean, is there a manual i am missing here?
So, please can someone help me make some sense of something here.
It’s really quite simple. I switch on the digitone, I have a play, I end up making a beautiful sound from scratch. I love it. I want to save it.
I don’t want to save this in some sort of temporary place. I want to save this as a permanent preset in my entire digitone library (to confirm, just remaining on the device - no exporting to computer at this stage). The only stuff i can find out there is to save this in the ‘sound pool’ and from my research into this the sound pool is sounds which you load in so you can have multiple sounds on just one sequencer line.
This is not what I am after - not to mention I would only worry that if, say, I deleted this project, this sound may go along with it which I don’t want.
I want a solid, saved preset of this sound so I can access it at any given time, no matter what project I start fresh, and j want to be able to access it via the usual “double tap T1, scrolling with the little nob, filter to bass, find my sound, load my sound… off we go”.
Why on earth is it so difficult to achieve this? Where am I going wrong?
What’s worse is i have saved this new sound in the sound pool (all every single person seems to continue to give as a solution) and I seem to have fully lost all my sound browsing presents which I had before. They’re all gone. The only preset I physically have access to is my new sound and it’s stuck on this page.! (See images attached). It also just says Sound Pool Empty? How do I even get back to my sound library and not my ‘pool’?
For the life of me, I just want to get back to these presets if anything so all the help can be mostly appreciated.
I’m so lost with this, I’ve never felt so deflated at a device in all the years of electronic music production.