Soundbank creation

I would like to create my own soundbank, but i just wonder if i had to create them on Syntakt, or if there whare other otions ?


Hi - welcome to the forum!

Do you mean to create the actual patches, or to manage/compile them?

Patching you’d have to do on the Syntakt - or linked via Overbridge on your computer. For managing patches Transfer has become very good since the recent updates (for example for copy-pasting patches between different banks etc).

Does that help?

Hi, thanks.
No i just discovered there was some external soundbank for the Syntakt. So i wonder if it was created directly on syntakt, or if there was another method (program?..) to create them (or to convert them in .stsnd files)
Because the bank i bought sounds very differently than the initial presets.


I don’t believe you can convert patches from other gear to Syntakt patch files.

OK thx.
So every set i can hear on Youtube are made on Syntakt…Sad day for me, i thought i would be able to import wave files this morning…:frowning:
Let’s go for the sound design…