Sounds in projects, Sounds on +Drive banks

Hello. Im wondering if anyone can help please?

I have a number of quite complex projects, all of which have multiple sounds in multiple patterns and banks. All of my +drive banks are full and I need to replace many, organise and clean it all up a bit.

The manual states:

“A Sound imported to a pattern, becomes an independent copy of the Sound on the +Drive and is not linked to the original Sound on the +Drive. Instead, it becomes a part of the pattern.”

Does this mean I can make changes to the +Drive - for example replace a bank of sounds and the sounds in my project will stay intact and out of harms way? I know it seems simple and obvious, but…

Id rather ask first than find out the hard way…

Thanks in advance

Backup the projects and export the soundbanks with Transfer first. Then you could try without risk of loosing everything. I think it might work because a sound is basically nothing else then settings.

Yeah thanks. I will try that. Much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, you can blow away your +Drive without any change to your projects. I know, I did it. Just not on purpose! :star_struck:


That means i can share a soundpack by creating a project with all sounds, record some patterns as demo/usage example tracks. Once someone else imports the project they choose and export the project sounds they like to their +drive to fill their sound database and delete the project when done? That’s opening new possibilities!