Soundtoys Debuts New SuperPlate Plug-in

Posted this on another forum, so copying here for the same sentiments.

Had a bit of a play with it. Sounds really good, so not disappointed at all for $29. I’m thoroughly immersed in reverbs now, especially after having gone a bit off the cliff during holiday sales last year. Something will have to be pretty special and reasonably priced for me to jump.

Please remind me and quote this when the next ‘new thing’ comes out in two weeks or less. :grimacing: :laughing:

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just in case it’s significant - it’s kinda unusual to be discussing paid X.y (point_four) upgrades … i appeared to have a licence for 5.2 and the ‘upgrade’ to 5.4 only included the new plate

just mentioning as all chatter is of 5.3 upgrade paths (which i can only assume wasn’t a paid one from 5.2) - not at a machine to look or try yet, but picked up the 40% off on the only upgrade available (adds superplate) for $29

anyway the key info here is that the 40% runs through to June 14 (at least for existing bundle owners)


Amazing! Thanks, I wasn’t aware and just upgraded. Sweet!


instabuy and I don’t buy plugins much these days but the predelay setting alone was worth it for me so… extra reverb flavor on top? Couldn’t resist (at this price). Will sure have a lot of fun with this!

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They’ve been a bit sneaky because their previous news post dated 14th April (at the top of this thread) stated that the upgrade to add this to Effect Rack would be $59 but that suddenly seems to have disappeared! I can’t find that upgrade anywhere!

Maybe I’ll drop them an email.

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I was just about to say that buying another reverb is never a debatable situation, but you already know that…you sly dog.

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Cough… tegeler just announced a plugin version of their raumzeitmaschine. It’s called raummaschine :wink:

Just upgraded to 5.4. Thanks for sharing the info

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I mean, £25, how could I resist :joy:

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Superplate sounds great, and there’s tons of variation available… but it’s very cpu intensive.
Anyone else finding this? I’m on an M1 Pro MBP with 16gb of ram.

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Is there something I need to do in order to get it for $29 instead of $39?
Or is this the penalty for having only the “Little Plate V5 Promo” license :stuck_out_tongue:

On another note. All Reverb PlugIns I have suck in one way or another for my use cases. LittlePlate doesn’t.

This is pretty cool as it sounded like they were only doing an upgrade offer for people with 5.3. Anyway, bought, and have had a quick play with it. I love Little Plate, but the additional features (especially pre-delay and the fact it’s now true stereo) make it worth the update for me.

I hadn’t really noticed that as I’d just been trying it on a brand new project with only one track, but you’re right, testing with my M1 MBP it’s quite a bit more CPU hungry than Little Plate, Blackhole or Valhalla Vintage Verb (maybe twice as much as Little Plate, just by eyeballing the CPU graph in Bitwig, which admittedly is not a very scientific test. I haven’t tried it on a maxxed out project). Hopefully thety can optimise it!

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Finally got around to installing

sorry, when i say installing i mean they got around to removing !!!

My V5.2 licence was taken off my ilok (1st gen)

V5.4 DGAF about the blue ilok - so i am left with nothing at all

I am NOT putting the licence on an individual computer, i use ilok usb authorisation for everything i can

No idea how this will play out , i was livid when i wrote to support - absolutely no indication about this through the purchase process

So much for a cheap purchase, cost me dearly, i’m down on the deal, wipe-out !

Even if i want to pick up a stupidly expensive 2nd/3rd gen (that’s their prerogative of course, but make it blooming clear somewhere along the purchase path given they are in touch with ilok already to some extent) that will near quadruple the cost of a little spontaneous buy … because promotion

not impressed and of course i have no idea (nor interest currently) how this thing sounds

their comms leave something to be desired imho

enjoy your verb if you are allowed to, but if you have a 1st gen ilok key - be warned !

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Ouch. That’s not cool. It should have been included in the requirements.

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I can’t even install it :stuck_out_tongue:
“Public”? What the heck …

join the club ! … at least they didn’t take away all their other toys too in the process of trying :sketchy:

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Sorry, but is there any new software released in the last couple of years that still works with ilok1?

edit: checked my account: I have 1 (!) out of about 200 licenses that sill allows ilok1

I finally got what you were saying. It’s not compatible with 1st gen ilok! I read over it, but I haven’t thought about those things in a loooooooong time. Well, let’s see. If I can put the license on this computer, personally I’ll be okay. However, I agree that this is awful!

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why would i know the answer to this, all the software i have, including big name stuff is working just fine on my trusty ilok - whether anybody choses to use it (or not support it) is their choice - but in no place that i could see through teh process or subsequently have Soundtoys done anything to stop me falling into this pit, no reply 24 hours later - the only reference i can see is on the installer which mentions an ilok 2 … but i was happily using a recent update from them with no issues

if they don’t support ilok 1 then they ought to say so, then i don’t bother upgrading unless it’s worth it

this isn’t about whether they should support it, it’s about the fact that they should at least communicate it effectively, if that’s their position

$29 later i am without anything Super or anything i had before … there’s nothing on their site about this, i’ll just have to await for support to pick up my query, but it’s not a good look

not sure an implicit victim blaming position is what the situation needs, like i said, i have what i need working fine on the og iLok, anything unsupported would be my loss (or my choice)

adding in a reverb for a very minor point release update shouldn’t result in such a forced change on what i can actually do right now - the system that protects the vendor has screwed the consumer … just as well i’m not in a hurry as it’s taking time to get sorted … i’ll stick with soundtoys being worthy of the ire for now, this was a pretty poor outcome that i had no reason to anticipate whatsoever

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that’ll be fine, but it’s not a solution i will consider satisfactory

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