Soundtoys Debuts New SuperPlate Plug-in

A new release from Soundtoys, after quite some time!
Could be interesting…


Finally a new edit: big Soundtoys plugin. Not that the “old” ones are bad; the exact opposite. there were (and still are) just so damn good, I’m looking forward to seeing where the company has come.


Yeah!!! Bring it on… turning nac on to download :heart_eyes:

Oh nice, I love Little Plate, use it all the time. Looking forward to trying this one out!

Amazing that it is included in Soundtoys 5. These guys have the most incredible pricing ever. I don’t remember how long ago it was that I last gave them any money, and still I benefit from this release. :pray:t3::fist:t3::partying_face:


I recently picked up a bargain on a second-hand Effect Rack license and the only thing missing is a reverb so I may well grab this for €59. I don’t really need all the separate plugins but the wacky sound design possibilities and DIY crazy delays and reverbs you can build with Effect Rack are great.

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I bought Soundtoys 5 a few years ago. Does that mean it’s now included free? Or just for new customers?

Pricing details are all down at the bottom of that post. In short, it’s a paid upgrade for old Soundtoys 5.3 owners to get to 5.4 including the new plugin and it’s the same paid upgrade for Effect Rack users to get it. It’s only €59.

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This looks great!

I love little plate, but it’s always been strange that they didn’t have a corresponding big brother.

I’m not sure if I’ll upgrade to 5.4 as I really love Crystalline and Pro-R and I already have Little Plate and all the Arturia reverbs. I considered upgrading to add the latest Arturia reverb, but I’ve also held back on that as I feel like it would just be option paralysis to keep adding more plugins.

I’m intentionally trying to clear out and consolidate so I have a smaller set of tools. I’ve gone way too far recently and I have piles of plugins I don’t use and that cover the same ground. I have tons of delays and I just don’t need them all. Same with soft synths, I just need to pick a few favourites and ditch the rest.

Sorry for the tangent - back to Soundtoys!

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Have you (and others) noticed how processor hungry the Arturia plugins are though?

I have Pro-R too and need to dig deeper into it… I default to Little Plate, Valhalla and Ableton’s Hybrid Reverb these days, so I’m on the fence about getting the new Superplate, but I’m glad it’s there.

(Who am I kidding… I’ll deffo get it…)


I totally agree.

I was the same and I now use Soundtoys Echoboy for all delays, Pro-R for all real world reverbs and Crystalline for more explicitly “effecty” reverbs.
I only reach for anything else if I’m feeling blocked and that makes me much more productive.

Similarly I’ll always use Devil Loc for crunching drums and Decapitator for anything else rather than going through 10 saturators.

It’s cool that they’re finally releasing something new, but I’d really have preferred a nice quality of life update. I’d have taken updated and re-sizable GUI’s over a new effect any day. SoundToys have withstood the test of time quality wise, but their overall usability for me has become much harder to accept given what’s available from the competition.

I’m really hoping this new plugin shows some signs of new enhancements that’ll make their way back through the older plugins much sooner rather than later. I would support something new if that were the case.

EDIT: Haven’t watched yet but sharing.


I would also appreciate a bit of love on the UI side although I still find all of their plugins very usable. More so than Arturia equivalents which have a similar design ethos.

Little Plate is great! I always wished it had a pre-delay setting (I sometimes use another plugin to add some delay but that is not really practical) and this one does now. The upgrade to 5.4 seems like a no brainer at this price!

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Funny how you think £59 seems a bargain for a reverb software upgrade then I remember I payed £40 for a Quadraverb a few weeks ago which puts things in perspective :sunglasses:

Sounds like there are a lot of new presets as well in the rack incorporating the new plate…I look forward to listening to them, Soundtoys presets have always been pretty good in my opinion

I thought I’d have this included in my 5.3. Bummer. Would have been nice.

59 just for the reverb is a no go for me…

Oh! Last week I was checking if Soundtoys have a “big” version of the Little Plate, since I use that quite a lot!

Most likely I’ll get it, since I got the original for free if I remember correctly.

This released today it looks like. Upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4 is $29 USD right now. Just pulled the trigger.