Source Audio Atlas Compressor pedal (stereo + so much under the hood)

I used one of these with the octatrack for drums. It can get crunchy. I’m surprised to not hear alot of chatter about this pedal. It’s nice for what I wanted out of it. Crunchy drums…

Yes, it sounds nice and seems to be quite versatile!

Finally got me one of these babies to try on my live set mix bus. Just played around for an hour so far and it seems promising. Many options to try with parallel, split and series modes.

But g*d d*mn… the Win desktop app UI response is so f*cking d*mn slow :rage: :skull_and_crossbones: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :triumph:
Meters are OK but moving a knob with the mouse pointer is so laggy it drives me nuts. Anyone else experiencing this? This is with the USB cable connection.

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Yeah I like the split (dual-band) mode. Treating the low separately from mids/highs gives a level of control I was never able to reach with RNLA + HPF in SC.

Controls on the pedal don’t give easy control over a dual-band comp setup, lacking the double metering for example. I guess this needs to be dialed in in the studio and then control oneself to behave nicely during a live set, as to not crush the signal with a way hotter input signal in the spur of the moment…

Any thoughts on which parameters to assign to the knobs? One for the linked output gains of both comps (acting as master output level), and 2 for the threshold of each comp, I think.

Make-up gains of each would be useful too. That s what I use to balance the low and mid/high.

To fully utilize the mastering capabilities of the pedal it d need the laptop connected during soundcheck though. Should have a look at whether the ios app is useable on my little iPhone SE2.

Spending some more time with the Atlas. Here are some samples of a dual band compressor patch I made with the intent of compressing my techno live gig master bus. Starts disabled and alternates every 4 bars or so.

I kept the peaks of dry and wet (visually, ie. more or less) at equal levels.

Not a pro at compression and mastering. Tell me what you think / give me pointers.


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