SP 404 MK2 + Digitone Midi?

Hey. Love my Digitakt and Digitone and Syntakt, but I was thinking I want to midi my Digitone to the MK2, where the 404mk2 is leader. And the Digitone follows. Anyone else using a combo like this? I’ve midi linked my Elektron to each other but not the SP.

I’ve tried this with an digitakt and it seems to work OK.

The SP only sends start and stop messages when in pattern mode and the clock out will match the pattern’s bpm.

I’ve noticed if you’re in normal pad mode, tapping a pad will update the clock out to the bpm of the last pad, which might not be ideal since it’s unlikely for all you’re samples to have bpm sync enabled.


I’ve never tried 404 -> DN midi but DN -> 404 is awesome! Plus now the ability to sample while monitoring makes it so simple to get stuff going.

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So the 404 being sequenced by the DN?! Trying to figure the best way to use these two. I love the Digitakt but if I want a 90% samples beat being able to control so much of the chops slice points is key but I also want the fm sounds from the DN. I could always program sounds on the DN & sample it into the 404 and do it that way I supposed.


Lately I sample the DN into the 404 and go from there. It’s so easy now with the 404 step sequencer. And like I said, sampling/resampling over top makes for a fun night. Especially with skip back and those oh wow moments!