SP404 mk2 production tips/tricks/problem solving/bugs

For sure. It really only does three things:

  • Records samples
  • Applies effects
  • Sequences samples

And the effects and sequencer might as well be external gear for all the integration there is between them and the sampler (i.e. none). The genius is that first record ability is omnipotent. Can you record a sample? Yes. From USB? Yes. Over a mic? Yes. After effects? Yes. After a bus of effects? Yes. While being sequenced? Yes? Sequenced through FX? Yes. Chained sequenced while twiddling FX live and playing guitar? Yes. Even when you forget to record? Somehow yes!

Itā€™s like having unlimited 1inch reel-to-reels always cued up, armed, and ready to go. On one hand what can you do with that? Only record, really. On its own itā€™s nothing. Dead air. But on the other, all music is just recording. If you can find a way to be creative when presented with just a bunch of blank tapes, the sky is the limit.

But while super immediate and very flexible, itā€™s not easy. In some ways itā€™s like staring at a blank page Ɨ āˆž.


What a great outlook @jemmons :key:

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Am I going mad, Iā€™m sure this doesnā€™t work anymore?

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I can confirm it still works. I am running the latest OS.

Remain + MFX or any of the dedicated effects buttons IE Filter Drive. Press the data knob to cycle between the two effect parameter pages.


Fantastic, thanks! I think Iā€™ve not Iā€™ve been pressing the Bus and then pressing Remain lol.

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Also, it frustratingly does not work if you do it while playing back a sequence. No idea why :man_shrugging:


Hi, first post on this forum, nice place.
I got the Model Samples, a couple of small-ish synths and the SP-404 mk2 now on order.
What I keep wondering about sync;
If I sync the 404 to the Model Samples,
Can I sample the MS tracks one by one and will these samples be synced on the 404 if I letā€™s say pad-group (or how itā€™s called) them? I have been watching videos and reading posts for weeks about this and still canā€™t quite put my finger on it.
For synthparts I donā€™t mind chopping and sequencing the chops, I like to work like that with Maschine.
Some folks say; Use other sequencers, but how does this work?
The other option for me is Novation Circuit Rhythm but I would miss;
-stereo sampling
-404 fx
-Export wavs
-long sampletime

I want 48k samplerate so MPC will not do.

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Yes. I would set count in to wait then sample each track. This will start sampling when it receives signal. Then you can pad link each track. Not sure if There is a limit on how many pad links though.

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Thanks, Pad link limit is 4 if I remember right. I can always resample 4 pads that are linked and the I got 3 free pads that I can link to that resampled pad. I assume that that way would work for me, for a beat and a couple of synthparts.

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Yep, resample is your friend!

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When sample try to match up the BPM from the source on the 404. Itā€™ll help moving forward.

The pattern sequencer could do this for you to. Set quantization to 100% but you would need to know how many bars for the longest track. Then you can resample the pattern to a pad.

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Will keep it in mind. I expect a little puzzling to find a right way to do things for me. Curious about it.
I hope the 5 weeks delivery time will not get longerā€¦
Never had to wait this long, but there are worse things happening in the world.

I am having a problem with the SP-404 in that all my samples (the prerecorded ones and the ones I myself am inputting) are playing back at a much slower speed than the original parameters. Any ideas about how to change this?

I am having a problem with the SP-404 in that all my samples (the prerecorded ones and the ones I myself am inputting) are playing back at a much slower speed than the original parameters. Any ideas about how to change this? Great list, by the way.

Check your bpm sync for sample or bankā€¦


Iā€™m having the same issueā€¦ sometimes it does work but most times it does not. May be a bug with the latest OS. Going to submit feedback to Roland

Is there currently any way to change the pitch of a sample without altering its speed? The Vinyl Pitch shift in the pitch/speed section sounds so good but it is a bit tedious having to record loops in slower to pitch up


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YES, In fact there are two ways that are highlighted below!




Dumb question, and I expect the answer is no, but is there a setting to keep things playing after recording/resampling? It always seems to stop all playing samples or patterns.

Kind of makes it a bit limited as a live sampler if you have to prep everything ahead of time, not to mention it really just breaks the creative flow in the studio.

Not sure I understand? You can keep a sound looping?