Spam, updates, other problems



they are NEVER going to allow ā€œimpartial usersā€ to moderate.

they dont think ā€œweā€ are bright enough no matter how reliable, simple or expedient someone may be.[/quote]

They did so last September. I canā€™t see why they couldnā€™t do so again.[/quote]
Yep youā€™re right, but its doesnt seem to make any difference to the spam.

Its been around since about the half life of Elektron Users and continues unabated here. Which is more than 5 years.

Other member here have already made suggestions, they have to make changes to the forum and its not hard.

SWEET :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

This isnā€™t working out too well

I need to be more admin in more subforums
I need a button that says: delete thread AND report user
I need a button that says: delete all threads by this user AND ban user
lots of good ideas from Avantronica and Void
the biggest and saddest smack in the face is: when I go through the hassle of deleting 4 or more threads in a row, and then The Fucking Forum Times Out.
as far as the forum is: I love it, please dont change anything

Jeesus, guys, Elektron, itā€™s fā€™ing 2016!! Just google ā€œauto-detecting spamā€ or something - these guys are not rocket scientists, they are the laziest of the lazy in terms of what they post (which is a pile of rubbish and a ton of URLs).

And if the odd post gets mislabelled, whooop-de-dooo!!! Learn to write in a non-spamish way dood. Just my thoughts after a couple of bottles of wine, so sorry for the tone!

What Iā€™m saying is that if AI can deal with this:

or this:

It can surely deal with this, with maybe 1/1000000000th the CPU:

The simplest fix for combatting link spam was mentioned at the start of the thread - url embed rights should only be granted after a user crosses a threshold :

a) simple - posts a set number of times OR
b) better - achieves a certain rank - this allows for a qualitative dimension if the rank system is based on more than just post count

This functionality exists as a simple configuration in most robust forum software - or itā€™s a few lines of code to write an extension that greys out/removes the embed buttons in the Rich Text Editor based on a test for a or b above.

Set the thresholds high and make sure thereā€™s no way of embedding links manually, and/or manual links are stripped out automatically.

Consider automatically adding ā€œrel=nofollowā€ to allowed embedded links, as an extra deterrent for those spammers persistent enough to try and beat the rank/post test.

We implemented some new tactics and rules. Hope it helpsā€¦ (ļ¾‰ļ½€Š”Ā“)ļ¾‰


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cool, thanks - fingers crossed :slight_smile:

could it 've work?ADFADSK?


haha wow this is ridiculous

yeah this is the worst Iā€™ve seen it. I guess there are no admins online right now who can delete users? Thatā€™s the only explanation I can come up with. It is 7AM in Gothenburg, hopefully someone will be awake soon.


WTF is going on here. Could someone clean up this mess please

I and other moderators lost hours cleaning that mess up- the issue there was that the only person with rights to ban accounts had died. When the superadmin status that had those powers had finally managed to get passed over to Elektron (which took an age) they were not inclined to do anything as they were busy developing here.

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This is insane. Banned some IP ranges and users, gotta head to the office now where I will start cleaning up this mess.

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The spam is the symptom of the illness which is the forum software in general. There are plenty of symptoms which are almost as bad: not mobile friendly, bad on iPad, slow, terrible search etc etc etc.

We are back up after the attack. User registration is closed for a while, reCAPTCHA implemented on posting, IP and phrase filtering.

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that should work :joy: