Speculation: Machinedrum Mk3?

You are absolutely right . Most manufactures would rather go the cheap root to make money rather than make a Sick machine that people will want to keep for a life time .
But don’t you feel like you could do so much more with a couple more LFOs on the Models.
I can afford to be Cheap & Spend 300 - 500 Every other year & be frustrated with my investment because it’s got the potential to be a great machine but it’s always lacking certain features .

Has anyone made a digital drum machine that can replace the machinedrum??? Seems crazy that this box is no longer made but is still the best for digital drums.


If I’m not mistaken, the 20th anniversary of the MD will be in June.

I guess we will see then whether or not a MD-successor eventuates.


At this point, I think elektron has decided that they aren’t going to give into the temptation to rehash old hits the way that legacy brands like Roland and Korg do. (And cloners like behringer) I think they’ve decided they’re sticking to the “innovation” part of the market, they’re looking for their next hit. I think in the next year or two we’ll see a new flagship drum machine/ synthesizer duo. I do think it’s gonna be all digital, and there might be some spirit of md and mm, but it’s gonna be a new thing, hopefully with some new synthesis tricks and live performance stuff, hopefully deeper Fx options and individual outs as well. Anyway, my bet is there will never be mkiii md or mm, but there will be something new and better that might win over these folks lusting for old silver boxes.


yea a combo digital synth & drum unit would be sick

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Oh I didn’t mean to imply it would be one thing, I was thinking of a pair of products. Pretty much everything except for the ot and heat comes in a pair. Md/mm, rytm/a4, takt/tone, even the models. Where one is more a drum machine and one is more a synth, but i and I think a lot of folks appreciate how the synths can kinda be drums machines and the drum machines can kinda be synths. They seem to have blurred the lines even further in the model series. Anyway, I already laid out what I think in a post on the what’s next thread. I think the drum machine will be a digital drum synthesizer, probably with sampling. And the synth with be … something. Probably not fm or analogue. Maybe a va/wavetable with simple fm? Kinda like pigments. So then even that could utilize samples.

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I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that as well.

All i hope for is for it not to be limited to the 8Voice as they seem to be stuck on lately .
now a days 16ch should be standard . I could even go as far as saying that 4fx should be standard on .

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That would actually be pretty interesting, besides the one send-reverb and send-Delay perhaps there could be a couple of freely assignable fx tracks to use for differently EQed or timed reverb/delay for example.


That’s the idea … a bonus would be to root them with each other ie FX1 can be sent to FX2-3-4 & vice versa … with automation on FX parameter would be even better .

I’m sure it’ll be a long long time before we actually see that on Drum machines . then again Machine+ & MPC seem to be able to do it for … but those are completely different instruments .

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I like the idea but then we get into the GROOVEBOX territories … And most of the time those boxes lack in almost every direction you look… I would rather have a dedicated Drummachine and dedicated synth to do the job right.


They should bring back the MachineDrum - if for no other reason than its one of the coolest names for a drum machine, ever. If the used market is any judge… bring it back!


I’d still update quite a few features on it …
there is always room for improvement … but if they could cram everything they have learnt and put it in a 16ch machine that would be ACE.

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Elektron, where is your new digital drum and synthesis machine


Would love to see something in the direction of NI Maschine+ =
standalone sampler + digital synth + sequencer workstation
but with Elektron sound and approach


Model Cycles lol


No i mean something serious

If Elektron made an MK3 version in black with the new OLED screen that had all the features of the original, plus new machines from the Model Cycles, updated FX options and full Overbridge support they’d sell boat loads of them. It would be an instant classic (among Elektron fans anyway).


Cycles is plenty serious. Everyone was nutting at the sound demos before they saw what was making it. Then the trash talk started :joy:


I have to admit…that box is not attractive looking for my superficial self … especial after that beauty: Machindrum - a very handsome box.