Spitfire Labs - Vintage Drums

Don’t know about others, but I am continually blown away by Spitfire and their community contribution.
The videos from one of the founders with his off piste productions, but that could be a BBC documentary they are so well filmed, the free Labs and then the other project they support which is a huge list of free sample libraries.

Sorry probably repeating appreciation echoed elsewhere, but tip of the cap to Spitfire who manage premium and freemium with such grace and authenticity.

And no, I’m not associated in any way, except for having a large bounty of their libraries, a fair chunk of which they don’t charge a penny for.

When’s the elektron-Spitfire hardware giga giga byte multisampler rompler collaboration hardware and AI chord, phrase and melody plock sequencer coming out? (with a wifi fed weekly ideas package delivered by whisper Spitlectron sync? … the DigiSpit)


Maybe they can port this over to superior drummer format for us drummers with an E kit. Please oh please oh please

Thanks for sharing, sounds great

oh snap. will have to check this out later. what’s the interface/usability like? my go to lately has been addictive drums, but the spitfire stuff is pretty good for $0, so worth checking out.

I’m enjoying the sound of it - and quite honestly really dig the limited Labs focus format as it ‘just is’ what a team of enthusiasts thought was enough, compared to a massive library of every drum sample and mike position under the sun.

I love the let’s appreciate what we’ve got mentality; here’s a characterful drum kit, very well recorded - go do something with it.

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