OK so I’m gonna go Devils Advocate here for a moment.
Karen signs up for a streaming service that let’s her play whatever music she wants for a single price. She’s not bought a CD in 10 years and her car doesn’t even have a CD player anymore.
She asks her home assistant for songs from her teenage years, some albums that have been her favourites since 2000.
She might even use the app on her phone now and then, but she doesn’t own any headphones, so its easier to play it on the speaker in her living room and ask with her voice.
Sometimes she doesn’t know what she wants.
She wants some chill out guitar music or some classical stuff plays in the background, she isn’t really listening to it but it fits her mood.
Now, why does Karen care about any of the music’s source?
She’ll care if the song from her childhood is a cover, but that’s not the case here.
If the Spotify “Chillout” playlist listed every artist as Spotify on it, she’d still save the playlist or request it again if she liked the content.
And what’s wrong with that?
She paid for music on demand, she likes the music being played and its part of the service. Let her enjoy what she likes?
Spotify are able to spend their own money however they like, just like Netflix can.
If they want to pay for some content to be produced exclusively for their platform, what does it matter if its a ‘named’ artist or a session artist?
If half of Netflix or Spotify is platform-generated content, what does it matter if people are choosing to consume it?
So yeah, I don’t see the issue here. If people don’t like the content, they won’t consume it. If they don’t consume it, it’s a loss to the business and the practice stops, or the platform folds (depending on the investment)
They are not being blocked from finding other content?
If the issue is that the music is given a “fake name” and not clearly labeled as “made by spotify” then I think people bothered by that are going to have a real hard time when they realise what “Marketing” is and the number of products that are rebranded and repackaged in the name of capitalism…
Disclaimer: I buy CDs, rip to HiRes and play them on my Sony ZX300