Spotify will fail

I don’t think too much about it I find his videos entertaining especially because it’s not the sort of music I listen to.

That’s just one aspect of it, c’mon… Or do you know for sure that’s his only goal?

I used to think I want to support myself financially by making music until I realised that’s not what I want.

That doesn’t mean it’s a fail, on the contrary now things are in better perspective and what really is important for me is more clear. I didn’t understand the compromises one must make in order to live with music and when my understanding got more complete I realised it’s not the way for me.

That was the best thing that has ever happened to my music or me as a musician.

I know countless ppl with similar experience.


I liked the one where he analysed kiss from a rose by seal! But I do think he’s a bit ridiculous

Well, I haven’t watched them all but yea he’s like the reader’s digest of youtube music producers and I’m fine with that.

Watch it, it’s great. So over the top ridiculous, dude is weeping over the beauty of seals isolated vocal track

He is definitely talented and probably quite an interesting fellow IRL, but I don’t like his youtube persona.

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Ha ha. Actually, I like when he breaks down songs I actually like such as Peter Gabriel’s In Your Eyes, something might of gotten in my eyes when I watched that…


I respect him, he seems both talented and clever, and he actually takes some time to source his claims.
Not fond of his music, but if he can live from this and YT views, good for him.


I’m lost, who are we talking about? The guy from the OP video or Rick Whatsisname?

waiting for this thread turning into a youtuber/synthfluencer kind of bashing thing…
Like nearly every topic here featuring video content


I mean nothing lasts forever, and something WILL eventually topple Spotify. I don’t think anyone needs a Youtube video to explain that concept.

However at a decade and a half with billions in revenue saying that Spotify will eventually “fail” is like saying Blockbuster failed by going out of business. Unless your goalpost for success is immortality then they’ve kind of already won.

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I was talking about the OP video guy, I don’t know the other one.

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His name is Rick Beato pronounced Bee-ot-to not Beat-to.

If Spotify fails that would mean streaming would fail. f Spotify for some reason goes bankrupt, another streaming giant will take its place and nothing will change


Sounds like regime change…

I don’t know how to link stuff here from one thread to another but type this into the search bar and you’ll hear something quite Bobcat-like.

“MnM and HY-SEQ32”

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Chat

I watched Scrooged for the first time over Xmas and was shocked to see such a young Bobcat!


Yep. The inevitable progression. It’s interesting to see how people get really negatively worked up over YouTube creators. Im fairly cynical but there doesn’t always have to be a nefarious agenda. Sometimes a video is just a good jumping off point for a dialog (the subject of the video)


The FTC needs to start regulating the predatory practice of using screen shots of these influencers biting their synths.