Spotify will fail




If an entrepreneur goes bankrupt, is it unfair to say their failed?

Is he bankrupt? And its just funny that you kind of slam a guy as a failed musician, and now youā€™re trying to place the blame on others for misunderstanding you. If I donā€™t want to be misunderstood I tend to weigh my words.

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I think he said in a video yeah that when streaming hit his sales plummeted and being a professional musician wasnā€™t feasible anymore. He was basically just not popular enough to sustain his career into the era of streaming.


He does make music for a living he just doesnā€™t make money as an artist. I think the dude is doing fine financially. Heā€™s not a failed musician heā€™s just not making as much music with a stage name attached to it.

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Well, he still plays gigs and makes scores and whatnot. Guessing he gets paid for those things. Which a professional musician does. But anyways, this is pointless and off topic.

No itā€™s called living the American dream.

I think heā€™s said a few times on his channel he makes a living with music.

I guess thatā€™s increasingly topped up with product development and YouTube.

Ah, well Iā€™m European.

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ā€¦the overall problem is everywhere the same, no matter where u lookā€¦

the rigged gameā€¦

spotify was a great idea at first, on paper and in theoryā€¦

i donā€™t like the idea, since i made a good living from itā€¦but even given the fact, that once, it really was a great historical achievement to start to handle an ā€œideaā€ also as an asset u can claim to be protected, to call ur own for personal profit, any sort of copyrights wonā€™t be a final answerā€¦

if there would be no backcatalogs in the hands of major companies, no yesterdays greedy industry parties, there could be a fair deal for all individual artists, since the original idea of ā€œa streamingfarmā€ remains a good oneā€¦

until the old world falls apart finally, weā€™re better off with bandcampā€¦at least for nowā€¦

while we all still have this ā€œelitetismā€ way of thinking in our genesā€¦

so letā€™s face a sad bottomlineā€¦in a world where everybody wants to be special, no one is specialā€¦

and to drop the best superhero quote of allā€¦when batman was asked ā€œwhatā€™s ur superpower?ā€
his answer was ā€œā€¦iā€™m richā€¦ā€

nope, this story has no happy endā€¦


I think itā€™s not unlikely.

Itā€™s kind of amazing they collaborate in the first place. I wonder if it was triggered by the Steve Jobs reality distortion field of iTunes that it happened in the first place.

Iā€™ve worked in music tech startups in the past and itā€™s quite sad that the majors are so aggressive and greedy that a lot of startups get killed because they have to sign the majors to be a success, but they take such a big piece and demand so much money that lots of really cool companies become non viable as a result.

Those that do make it are often bought up by Apple / Spotify etc and shut down to get access to the talent and remove potential competition.

Modesty has been removed from the dictionnary.

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Replaced with a picture of Donald Trump

This is really not true since Spotify makes a ton of money for the major labels. The problem isnā€™t Spotify, streaming is merely a way to get music to consumers. The problem is that the music industry is a racket run by the big labels, and has been since the music industry was started 100 years ago or whatever. They make the contracts, they take a lions share of streaming profits.


So have any of you started a youtube channel that just reviews and shits on other youtube channels? It just seems so obvious.



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Iā€™ve been a spotify customer for about 4 years now. I tried other platforms but ended up back at spotify. My only advice, like all your artists that you listen to and nothing else. Add to favā€™s the spotify Release Radar playlist and let the AI do the rest. Itā€™ll populate all new releases and add artists that are similar to the artists you liked. Game spotify AI rather than hate it, itā€™s about 85% accurate after several months. I occasionally get some weird random track that prob shouldnā€™t be in my playlist at least once per month. Almost like the AI is messing with me or trying to get me to deviate down a new genre.

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I absolutely hate the Spotify AI and am still waiting for a streaming platform with similar tools to just a huge folder of well organized mp3ā€™s with correct metadata.

Iā€™m not sure what bit of my post you are disagreeing with.

The hyperscaling model being high risk / high reward is by design.
Startup investors invest in 10 companies assuming 9 will fail and the 10th one will be worth so much you still make money I donā€™t think itā€™s a controversial view point.

I would also assume itā€™s uncontroversial that rights holders have more power than distribution channels provided those distribution channels donā€™t have some kind of monopoly power over distribution.