Sps1 resets when changing pattern

So everything is in the title.

When i’m changing bank or patterns, the machinedrum resets itself. I don’t loose the pattern i was working on, but… it’s a bit disturbing when playing.

Anybody would have an idea ? I think it’s an older os ( 1.3), should it be fixed if i upgrade it ?

Thanks for the help !

If you change to a pattern with a different kit without saving the kit first, it will be reset to to last save state when you return. Is this what you mean? If so, you just need to save your kit before switching pattern.

ok, i’ll try it. Because the reset is like the sps1 is turning off and on rapidly, if you understand what i mean !!

thanks !

Check your power supply.

Ok i’d like but i’ve just fix it… how the power suply can affect the pattern’s change ? Cause everything else seems to be ok…
Thanks !