Squarepusher broke his wrist (stopping him playing bass) so revisited his 90s gear for the new album. Awesome interview!


Great interview, thanks for this! Like many I adored his earlier work but then I felt he started stagnating in the 00s and moved on. Then 2012’s Ufabulum spun my head around and I’ve been following his every move since. Really looking forward to this new record.


great interview!, he’s been a huge technical inspiration as of late for me…(relistening to his work as a pupil, led me to using my h9’s morning constructively to find some of his processing tricks he does with his Eventide, definitely helped me pull back the vail a bit, and helped me rethink how I approach processes while writing)


what a guy. really interesting interview. almost jealous of older folk who grew up without the internet and have no use for it - it’s a Pandora’s box that can’t be closed.

new track sounding great too


One of the best acts I’ve seen live. Seriously twisted live electronica then he pulls out the bass and takes it to another level


just gonna throw out massive respect for him still writing with a broken wrist. everything becomes a major annoyance when you’ve lost use of a hand (broken mine twice). you’re stuck inside and go “oh great lots of time to make music!” only it’s annoying as hell. you settle on the worst sounds simply because you’re sick of trying to tweak them/play them with one hand doing everything.

anyway… stoked to hear the record. honestly had kind of forgotten about Squarepusher.


I had to leave one of his concerts cause he had the resonance on whatever bass pedal he was using cranked way up and it was hitting a frequency that gave me vertigo and nausea. Not a good show to forget my earplugs for!

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He was playing slap bass type funk over his beats when I saw him. Proper dirty funk, was excellent and club had great sound system


Unfortunately I never saw him live. Would love to when his wrist is better. But if this return to his 90s roots means going back to competing with Aphex Twin and coming up with Go Plastic Mk2, I’m all for it. Warp Records were on fire during that period. Ahhh!


I saw him at numbers in Dallas for the ultravisitor tour (seriously insane to see him live for that lp!) and then at day for night in Houston followed by afx…sensory overload!


can’t wait for the new album. I have my doubts it’ll reach the dizzy heights his early work frequently did (really hope it does) but still, even on his newer albums there’s usually a gem or 2.
the little tasters so far sound more like his recent work to me but hopefully it’s mint.

man, his early work was so good :raised_hands:t3::open_hands::palms_up_together::wave:


Music Is Rotted… one of my all time favs still in my rotation to this day.
Most really good seasoned musicians for the most part seem to have their ego well in check and are just doing the best with what they have like the rest of us.


Yeah, saw him in Atlanta for that tour. Off the wall! And that Houston show was pretty great, but too bad it was so cold that he didn’t break out the bass…

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the drum programming on this new track really reminds me of Drukqs. maybe it’s just that it’s the same break being chopped.


kinda over this high tempo noise…almost feels more about the programming…not hating just over it.


my fave Squarepusher


Damn straight. Great track. That whole album was special.

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agree…most adventurous track.


hes also imo the best remix artist on the planet :cowboy_hat_face: some of his best stuff n so damn different to the originals


That track always reminds me of “Oh Shelia” by Ready For The World.

These are my two faves |-

^ When this came out I was listening to tons of music from the Blood & Fire label, as well as Pressure Sounds. “Iambic 5” fit right in, but was modern. Kind of remind me of Twilight Dub Circus also.

^ This one always reminds me of speeding way too fast on the Mass Pike heading towards Boston in an old Subaru. Good times.
