Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

I agree, legacy baggage can be a big problem as can just adding new features and new features on top of something. Pretty soon doing anything is so complicated you want to pull your hair out. I think the deluge is starting to suffer from this as well. I am a Bitwig user so I know how nice a clean slate can be. Hapax is supposedly designed from the ground up by an experienced team too, so we will see :slight_smile:

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May god smile upon their marriage, eternal solvency, and my desire to shoppe gaily in an abundant marketplace of of capable, high-resolution multichannel midi sequencers.


That’s what I’m hoping – I use Bitwig now too! :slight_smile:

I’m not really sure what to think about this. So similar to Oxi One that it feels like a bit of a rip off.
Much bigger and heavier of course.


Well, against my better judgment, I ordered. Was eyeing a Pyramid but the ability to record MPE off my Linnstrument sealed the deal. I also have a Vector which is great but is also different. I don’t imagine I’ll keep both in the long run.


Can you record the random and other effects to a neighbor track?

Or just regular chords with each note having a different velocity.

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I did record a chain of LFOs into another track (track 1 cv plugged into input CV A and track2 set to record it. nice feature: the screen becomes an oscilloscope) but never tried melody contents. But if you want something random to repeat, the randomizer is better.

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I’d be curious to hear more about this, mostly because I’m ignorant when it comes to the OXI. And, of course, I’m ignorant of the Hapax, too :slight_smile:

But reading over the manual, so much of it reads like an evolved Pyramid — that feels like the most likely line of inspiration. Unless the OXI has more Pyramid-like features than I at first assumed? Or there’s some particularly unique OXI-ism at play that I don’t recognize.


You seem very certain of this – but I have to say this is not my experience at all. I absolutely can send a midi sequence to my Rytm and A4 and also p-lock parameters and add notes on either/both elektron internal sequencers. I can even set, say, a 5 step loop on the electron sequencer and p-lock filter positions while playing a 64 step MIDI pattern to the boxes. Perhaps we have the devices set differently but it is definitely possible (and something I love to do!)


OXI vs Hapax seems like a trade off between

I sort of want something ‘good’ that gives me a tactile, non computer surface with some tricks, but if I’m getting complicated I’ll resign myself to the old mouse, keyboard and monitor approach rather than down a hardware tunnel.

Perhaps it boils down to a ratio between the number and complexity of your hardware units vs the complexity of your controller/sequencer and how detailed and flexible you want to get.


lmaooo where do they find these

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Won’t it just be midi data though? Or have I missed something

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Perhaps they have a plan.
The CV outs might one day see a AC/DC coupled line-level/modular switch.

Because 2GB to store project files containing MIDI data seems a bit much.

Are they saying that it only has storage enough to store two projects?


no, 2 projects can be used at the same time but you can store as many projects as the SD card can save.


Macgyver fans will be happy.


I doubt they went from seeing the oxi indigogo less then a year ago to producing a full production unit. I think it is just a matter of them having a few very mature sequencers on the market, listening to their user base, and growing in that space they’ve been in for 5-7 years already.


Cable diversity. The nice thing about having many USB C devices is reaching the point where you are most likely to have a usable cable and/or charger nearby without fuss. I have finally reached the place where even USB micro is only necessary for a handful of my devices. If I am throwing things in a bag, it’s nice not to have to remember multiple kinds of cables and just think “USB C”.

Not a dealbreaker for me or anything and I understand that bandwidth isn’t much of a concern but I agree that it would have been nice in this new device.

i tried.