Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Sure, can imagine that - the current draw is probably too high - although, if I should consider to run it with an adapter, it would bear the same issue. Would be interesting to know the max current draw - what is specified on the PSU?

Found this on the squarp site: 15V, 1.2A, 18W

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So this should work, no ? Ripcord USB to 15V DC power cable compatible with the Native Instruments Maschine MK3 Production unit

So my Hapax has just been delivered today, three days ahead of schedule.

First job is to pack up (and sell, if anyoneā€™s interested :wink:) my squid and torso T1, as I hope that the Hapax will fulfil - and exceed - many of the functions of these devices.

Second job will be to fess up on the NYNG group, as I didnā€™t intend buy anything until this came out.


If you sell then it cancels out. Thatā€™s the law.


Howā€™s the feel of the build / pads?

Pads feels great, but my colleague who I share an office with keeps looking at me weirdly as I finger them and donā€™t do any work.

Only negative is that 2 of the encoders were rattling around loose when I opened the box. They also feel a bit plasticy.


Cannot be sure about it, max you get by USB 3 is depending on generation is 4.5 to 15W. It would be good to know how much the hapax really draws - specifically with sequencing the hell out of it :smile:

Youā€™d need to put a current meter on it , the psu will be no doubt be over-specā€™d

Turning on all pads will likely be the most power draw.
Oh and 5v 500ma will likely be ā€˜reservedā€™ for usb hosting.

True that. In any caseā€¦if you should not have much battery anymore, just do less sequencing :sweat_smile:

You mean the encoder caps I assume.

Funny when I took the encoder caps off ( for disassembly) , I also thought the same, they were a bit plasticy ā€¦
But in use I never really thought this, and never even consider prior to this.

I think because they are hard plastic knobs rather than the more common softer, rubbery type.
So perhaps a matter of taste?

They are pretty standard caps, you could easily replace if you didnā€™t like.

Chroma Caps as a replacement? :smiley:

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Very interested to hear how Hapax improves on the Torso T-1.

Long term plastic caps are better than rubber imho.

Two days ago Iā€™ve ordered Hapax. Charged today. Iā€™ve ordered it as a guest and then registered an account, so now I canā€™t see the order as a guest because it redirects me to the login page and I have no order in the account. Iā€™ve just emailed squarp about it. Not a big deal I guess, Iā€™ve to wait until June :smiley:

Like sid Iā€™m selling my vector and metropolix, I love them but I cannot afford 3 sequencers and judging by the videos and manual I wonā€™t miss them much (apart from some cool features)

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One thing that Is not clear from the manual, does It do slides?

slidesā€¦ so we have to think midi (or cv, Iā€™ll stick to midi though) hereā€¦ as its not a sound generator.
(I know this is obvious, but it does have an impact compared to a seq in say a 303)

so this would be done with pitchbendā€¦ which is obvious per midi channel.
currently this would be done as an automation lane
the nice thing here, is you can see notes when using the automation lane, so you can align easily.
ā€¦ also we have interpolation, so you only have to set the start/end pointā€¦ not draw entire curve (though you can if you wish)

I say currently :slight_smile:
Squarp have said we will be getting for ā€˜per note expressionā€™ for MPE, so for this pitchbend/ccā€™s could be tied to NOTEs in MPE mode (this is really the point of MPE mode, so wonā€™t go into poly mode ā€¦ I doubt)

I mention this, because I do slides all the time with Hapax, but then I use an MPE controllerā€¦ so its recorded automatically ā€¦ and per noteā€¦ and I know we will later be able to edit this.

what we donā€™t know (until we see the implementation) if this might be useful outside of MPE, or if you will be able to create MPE tracks (by editing) without an MPE controller - I hope so!
(but obviously it makes sense for Squarp to get it right for MPE controllers first )

my personal opinion, once we see the MPE editing mode, then perhaps we (as users) can talk to Squarp about how this could be used beyond MPE controllers
e.g. I talked to Squarp about being able to take an none-mpe track, and using an ALGO to add some MPE magic to itā€¦ eg. modulation on a per note basis - I think this could be interesting for non-mpe players, without having to laboriously add expression to every note !

so this is definitely one to watch the futureā€¦

but for now, we can use automation lanes very easily.
(though honestly, im lazy, and usually let my synth do the glide, if Im not using MPE :wink: )


Can you overlap notes? I think some devices (e.g. some 303 clones) interpret overlapping notes as slides. Iā€™ve never done it, but sure Iā€™ve read it.

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I think the question was more related to CV: there the sequencer itself should be able to ā€œbendā€ the CV signal to create a slide. Would be awesome if the bend rate could also be set (overall and/or per note)


would that not be glide? (on the sound generator?)

we need to consider there , these track are polyphonicā€¦ there is no (current?) notion of a monophonic track, so of course you cannot do something based on overlapping notes, as thats perfectly legit on a poly track.

should? ā€¦ so, there are rules for what things ā€˜shouldā€™ be able to do or not ? :wink:

cv/gate outputā€¦ ok, so the question really here isā€¦ does CV (v/oct) output take into account pitchbend ?
Im not sure it does, simply because this would require a track to know the pitchbend range.
which currently it does not .
(Id need to test this though, as MPE currently assumes 48 semi) ā€¦ also perhaps if you have an automation lane for the same cv out, perhaps it will sum it?!)

BUT interestingly, this was a topic Squarp and I discussed when talking about per note editing, since this is important for MPE. e.g. should (internally) pitch be considered ā€˜fractionalā€™ ā€¦ my vote was yes :slight_smile:


Iā€™m sorry if I wasnā€™t clear, english is not my native language. What I mean, is that if you want to make a synth do a slide using gate+ cv, the cv signal determines the pitch, so the slide information had to come from the gear that generates (or manipulates) the cv signal.

It doesnā€™t even have anything to do with pitch bend, usually it means that the cv signal is slewed from one note to another (in the 303 style). The beatstep pro also does this, you can just increase the gate lenght to max and then it will make it slide into the next note (if there is one immediately after it). This would be very nice if the Hapax can do this as well :slight_smile: