Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

I wonder if this thing makes sense as push like abelton controller - generating ideas with it should be totally doable?

sorry, I was being a little sarcastic ā€¦ its amazing how many times you read someone say ā€¦
ā€œmy X sequencer/synth does this, so this should do tooā€ :wink:

as if everything should be a superset of something else, and theres a rulebook for what products should include !

as I said, you can only assume a slide of overlap if its mono. it makes no sense (outside of MPE) in a polyphonic sequenceā€¦ since you likely have overlaps anyway.
ā€¦ so this kind of implies a mono like mode, which doesnā€™t exist.
(even then weā€™d need options, since I donā€™t want slides I want high note priority etc)

as for CV (as in v/oct)ā€¦ of course pitchbend matters ā€¦ since thats our current units :wink:
we have NOTE placed on (chromatic) grid, so the only way off that currently is to use pitchbend.

and as I said, yes it would be nice if that was taken into account of with a v/oct output.
(but I fear not currently, as you need pitchbend range to do this)

(of course, you could automate cv manually, but thats not really the point is it, but is where I said, if it summed it might work ā€¦ awkwardly)

ā€¦ and then that brings use back to my comments about the discussion of note editing, and if squarp could represents things as fractional pitchā€¦
this would required PBR for midi, but NOT for cv ā€¦ since v/oct is already fractional.

what I love about hapax and squarp in generalā€¦ is they are really on top of this stuff,
most of itā€™s been thought of alreadyā€¦ but of course implementation vs ideas always lags!

you mean like have a controller mode?
whilst im sure not that hard on the hardware - just needs to send midi for each button press (as the Push 2 does) , and have a way to put things to the display.
the issue, is in practice writing the control script and software for Mac/Windows is then a major undertakingā€¦ and why just Live, what about Bitwigā€¦
Its pretty much another product development.

thats said, I really enjoy using it with a Daw (be it Live/Bitwig) or VCVRack, where they just become sound generatorsā€¦ so I have hands on sequencing, but with the power of my computer for sounds.
ā€¦ its a cool combo.

of course, you could then track the midi into your daw at the end if you wishedā€¦ e.g. record an ā€˜arrangementā€™ or performance. (if you want the end result to be in your DAW)

Oh, they said slide? Sorry.

(and duly noted about this but being polyphonic, so wouldnā€™t work anyway)

k, so my suspicions were correctā€¦

pitchbend is not used for v/oct outputs.

however, if you create a cv out automation lane (on same output) , this is summed with the v/oct output, so you can create glides this way, its pretty simple - since you can copy paste bits of the automation around.

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I was reading through the manual and did not see the delay midi effect. Is it not in the hapax? I loved it with the pyramid and it would be odd to remove itā€¦

yeah, itā€™s not in there ā€¦ no idea why.
I suspect itā€™ll be back at some point in the future.

Thanks for the quick reply, I assume you are probably right!

If youā€™re talking about glide between notes, like a portamento, thatā€™s a particular type of sound, (like whether an osc is saw or square or what the amp env looks like) and thus strikes me as a feature of the instrument or patch, not of the sequence.

On a synth, for example, some patches you want to have that ā€œglideā€ sound, some you donā€™t. So you can usually turn portamento on and off, and set the glide time, etc. per patch. On a modular youā€™d do this with slew, and youā€™d either patch it in or not depending on the sound youā€™re going for.

The sequencer just says what notes those instruments/patches should play, not how they should sound. If we ā€œhard codedā€ glide into the sequence, somehow, then it would play even on instruments/patches that werenā€™t meant to have that ā€œglideā€ sound and would be a little weird.

Think of it like sheet music. You can put a slur between notes to indicate those notes should be played without separation. But how that actually sounds is determined by the instrument. On a violin, maybe there will be a glide between the notes. But on a piano, the notes will be played legato, but not with glide because thatā€™s just not how a piano sounds.

Same thing here. The Hapax is the sheet music. The things it controls are the violins and pianos. Whether they have a ā€œglideā€ sound or not is the responsibility of the instruments, not the Hapax.


The Pyramid has a setting to double tap to glide notes. With the caveat that ā€œGlides only works with compatible synthsā€ (quoted from the manual). Honestly, Iā€™ve never tried to see whether this works with any of my synths. Neither have I checked to see what this actually does on the Midi side. Maybe it just makes sure note on/offs are aligned in a certain way which could be done manually as well?


Yeah, it just adjusts the note length such that it slightly overlaps with the next one. Itā€™s the sequencer equivalent of sheet musicā€™s slur.


I understand what youā€™re saying, but sometimes you donā€™t want all notes to have portamento, but only certain ones. With midi you could usually achieve this with overlapping notes and turning on ā€œlegatoā€. But with cv and gate, this isnā€™t possible. Some sequencers do allow legato style portamento (303 style) by actually sending a slewed cv signal on certain notes. For example; the beatstep pro, TD-3, TT-303.

Not really a must, but nice to have :slight_smile: it would probably require another track type, specifically for CV/gate. Weā€™ll see wether theyā€™ll implement something like that :slight_smile:

Btw, on sheet music, you also have notations for specific parts where you would need to play portamento :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s what slew modules are for - no?

Anyway , send an FR to Squarpā€¦ they get to decide :slight_smile:

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Sure, thatā€™s another way to do it.

I will not send this as a feature request, as I was just replying to another oneā€™s question :slight_smile:

As I said, would be nice to have, but for me it is not really important as I do most things with midi anyway :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve been slowly catching up on this thread and the excellent videos from Technobear and RMR and this device will definitely feature in my futureā€¦ there is so much about that just clicks with me. Iā€™ve got a few projects that Iā€™m working on that are have specific setups and Iā€™m doing NoGearNewYear so the back order situation doesnā€™t bother me (unless it lasts for 9 months!!).

You know, it does sound slightly counter-intuitive to use something with so much connectivity for USB midi only but I reckon that would be my first approach for learning the Hapax functionality withouth the various complexities of MIDI devices and CV. Just point Hapax at Live with a bunch of Reaktor instances on different channels for an EP.

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It depends on the instrument, of course. But if you want some slurred/legato/overlapped notes to play with portamento and some not, the way Iā€™d expect this to work is:

  • For MIDI, send a CC that turns portamento mode of the instrument on or off.
  • For modular, patch a gate to the slew thatā€™s high when you want it and low when you donā€™t.

Both of which are easily achievable with Hapaxā€™s autom mode, as I understand it.

Would it be nice for a sequencer to be able to ā€œfakeā€ the sound of a CV slew for those instruments that donā€™t implement this on their own? Sure! Itā€™s also be cool to have just, like, an arbitrary function generator to output our own oscillators or LFOs or envelopes in cse our setup doesnā€™t have any (or enough) of one of those.

But, like you say, itā€™s all ā€œnice to havesā€.


I can achieve 303-style Glide on Pyramid by just increasing note length for a given Step from 1 to 2+ (up to 16 if you want it to hold a note the entire 4/4 bar). works on TD-3 and Cyclone TT-303. assume Hapax has the same Step-level control over note length

Arrived in Northern California! No duties, though I wonder if Iā€™ll get a bill in the mail later.

First impressions - built really solid. Heavier than it looks. I like the buttons better than the ones on Pyramid and Hermod. Markings for the inputs/outputs on the back are engraved, but also in black, so I can imagine it being difficult to see in low light situations.

First play on it is promising. Itā€™s a lot easier to just dive into making stuff rather than Pyramid or Hermod. As a heavy user of both, itā€™s certainly welcome, though the new UI will take a little time to get used to (like having dedicated buttons for things instead of needing to remember button combos) :slight_smile: It really feels like a Squarp sequencer with bits of Elektron, Deluge, and others in there.

Super, super promising - especially considering the state Pyramid and Hermod were in when they first came out.


Alright, for those who are interested in an idiotā€™s first impressions, here are some:

Had an hour this evening, and managed to turn it on, plug in 2 synths and a drum machine, adjust the midi channels, rename the tracks, set a master scale and play some stuff, generate some stuff, send some cv to a dfam, and all without looking at the manual.

I had to look up how to get in chord mode.

Thatā€™s a fuck load further Iā€™ve gotten without refering to manual or video than pretty much all sequencers I have owned or currently own. Itā€™s very intuitive, stuff is laid out logically and from what Iā€™ve seen so far, anyone familiar with electron workflow would find this similar.

Obviously, more complex functions are going to require reading but I canā€™t believe how far I got with this so quickly (I literally took me 2 months to feel comfortable understanding the T1). The pads are great for playing and drawing in shapes; the build is good, and the plasticy knobs are quite nice to use (despite my earlier reservations).

I am looking forward to learning more.


Question on mono/poly and CV. Since thereā€™s no mono mode and everything is Poly. If using a track to output CV and you set two notes on the same step, what happens? Which notes winā€™s in the battle of whoā€™s voltage gets sent out?

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Wonā€™t be able to test CV until I get home later, but on USB MIDI with a monosynth, the highest note seems to take precedence (actually could be newest note, but Iā€™ll properly test on CV later tonight).