Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Further highlights:

Editing is so, so, so much easier (compared to Hermod/Pyramid). It reminds me of the Deluge where you can zip and zoom around the piano roll, except you have a screen and dedicated panel controls for said zipping and zooming.

Really love slightly nudging notes of a chord out from one another to create strums. Something like this is more tedious on Hermod/Pyramid.

The workflow just feels so intuitive. Will take months to fully learn the machine, but I’m impressed.


For the record, DHL charged me $67.77 in import duties for delivery to Chicago.

$60.25 to California.

ahhhhhhhhh. so jealous. is it june yet?


Toriaz squid has software you use to drop midi files on it,
something like that would be great…
it’s better than loading them into the machine then loading them again…
plus they can get converted to the format needed

It does look really great overall though! Might have to get one of these

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this is a very good question… @acairns99 is right you’d expect high note priority (or similar)

BUT I have a nasty feeling , last time I tested this, it was using the order the notes were entered into the grid ! unfortunately, it’s one of those times in the beta, I saw it , but was testing another more complex scenario (*) which had all sorts of chance operations going on… so it wasn’t 100% clear.
… Ive not tested in with the released firmware, so may be ‘fixed’ now.

so, tl;dr; IF its not working as high note priority, report this as a bug…
basically the cv/gate selected should be ‘predictable’ , and id say high note priority makes sense (at least as a default)

(*) the fun scenario , which was kind of related …
if I have a stack of notes on a single step for a cv/gate channel, and they each have chance…
will it check them ALL, and output the the highest note (that passes % check)
musical scenario I was trying was
a bass line, constructed from the chord progression (diff octave) , with root at 100% chance, and the other intervals at low chance%… so most of the time - it’d be the root note but occasionally would pick a different interval.

(the reason , I felt it wasn’t doing note priority, is it felt like it was most likely to pick the root note, even if the higher notes had quite high %)

yeah, Id don’t like additional software… due to having to support different OSs.

Id not be surprised if (at least) basic midi import is a popular request though… but of course, has to be balanced with other feature requests coming in and prioritised.

Squarp are very experienced in balancing requests/issues, and have a history of delivering over months/years… so whilst v1.1 may not have the features we ask for, patience is a virtue :slight_smile:

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For midi glides/slides I agree this is usually handled on the synth by playing/sequencing legato, elegant and simple, and saves fussing with CCs or worse, pitch bend.

But for CV it is much more economical and useful (for the user) to have the CV outs send slide/glide/portamento, saves using a slew module and allows much better control with less patching - a single CV cable straight into a VCO, vs patching in a slew module, then possibly a means to control the slew on/off/amount.

Given that slide/glide/portamento is such a staple of electronic music I find it a bit odd that it isn’t more widely implemented in modern sequencers that have CV outs, but there must be a reason for it as many don’t have the feature.


I think this is kind of the point of modular…

for sure, with digital modules its tempting to build every function into a single (complex) module, but at some point you have to draw a line.

btw: Im not saying this (glide) is the line… just saying there is a line at some point, e.g. it be nice if hapax outputs envelopes, rather than gates…, does s&h…
of course, if your ‘genre’ uses glides a lot, Im sure it very important, but for others it probably less so… (and vice versa, even though I don’t use it, Im not saying its not important!)

personally, more problematic for me was not reacting to pitchbend… so off a feature request did fly.
(particularly as this was already present on the hermod)

so thats the recommendation here… users feedback, squarp are responsive, so the more requests for a particular feature they get, the high the priority it will be im sure.

@jemmons / @senor-bling points are really good…
funny, Id forgotten about the overlap usage… I don’t really use for glides much, but I use it for envelope re-trig (and voice allocation) behaviour…though again, very synth dependent.
as said though, usually its enough to just extend the note by 1 step… but this can be problematic when using short notes.
(that said, I dont really use this pyramid function, as I tend to play this in from a keyboard so it kind of ‘just works’ :wink: )

Eurorack perhaps, where a slew module is cheap and plentiful, but maybe not so much for other systems, or other synths with CV and where the user does not want to get into modular, vintage gear etc.

But yeah, it isn’t something that I need either, plenty of other ways to achieve it, just seems a strange omission on most modern CV capable sequencers, along with the lack of CV generated envelopes and LFOs etc - CV for basic pitch is all that many of the modern sequencers do, a shame I think.

I’ve ordered one, looks great… it does what I’ve wished many of my other sequencers could do… don’t expect it to be perfect but it has solid foundations and layout from the start.
Will sell a couple things and replace with this I reckon

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That’s funny because I think I’ll use the Hapax mainly with softsynths. I know that you can reproduce easily the things that Pyramid and Hapax do with Ableton or another DAW, but with Pyramid, I was able to do so much more with my softsynths. I find this workflow fun, inspirationnal and productive. It might have something to do with the physical interaction with hardware, for me it feels much more natural and much more like playing a real instrument.

But your post makes me questionning a little bit my workflow : is it really that weird to buy a hardware sequencer (and of course the Hapax is really expensive) to mainly control softsynths ?


Nope, I’m the same. Being able to intuitively control softsynths, softdrums (if that term is a thing) and samples from one unit connected to your computer is awesome and liberating.

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I am surprised that there not so many reviews and opinions about this thing out except from RMR, @thetechnobear and few comments here and on the squarp forum. I guess I am spoiled from other device launches :sweat_smile:

Every day I look and hope loopop did a video about it!

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It’s coming…


Anyone know if I can send midi from a DAW through the MIDI ports to a plugged in instrument? I figure this is how the usb functionality works but this would be so nice to cut down on USB cables to my synths (especially when some synths like the Grandmother are really susceptible to ground loop noise in the USB, though I haven’t yet hooked it up in my new house).

I’m waiting for the Hapax vs Cirklon review.


It would be really nice to get any kind of unbiased cirklon review at all really lol. I have watched all the videos and read the manual and I am still a bit meh about it. But once someone’s time on the waiting list comes up and they receive their cirklon they ascend to another plane of existence where they need no longer communicate with us mere mortals who just cannot understand what it is like to actually have such a wonderous device :angel:.

The emperor’s new clothes is not such a bad marketing strategy after all!

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@HBIII , I have a Cirklon and have been using it for 4 years, Ive released a few records with it in the contexts of DAWless albums only. (brain dance/acid breaks type stuff)

I’ve also used the Octatrack and the Squarp pyramid as “the brain” for DAWless setups.
I feel like I can be pretty impartial if you have any questions, you’d like resolved.
For me, personally,

  • I wish the Cirklon had better interconnectivity with DAWs.
  • I’m not entirely sold on AUXes in lieu of midi effects. (Its a great idea - but sometime I just want an extra LFO)
  • Knowing whats actually inside the Cirklon, I wish it wasn’t as “tall” as it is, I’m sure if it was “mass produced” instead of assembled by hand, it would probably have* a much smaller form factor.
  • You can’t, today , on a cirklon, you can’t really chain songs. So if I wanted to do a live show, after a song is done playing, I couldn’t have it go seamlessly in to the next song.

These are things that look very promising on the Hapax

That said, theres stuff on the Cirklon that indispensable, especially when it comes to actually arranging a song, or the application of instrument definitions that I don’t think I could live with out.


Wow, thanks so much for the thoughtful reply, maybe I will post some questions for you in the cirklon thread :slight_smile: . One thing that I am constantly wondering is how fast you can become with the cirklon workflow, as the UI seems a bit unintuitive and menu heavy. With this in mind could it be used for improvised live performances for example? The hapax UI in comparison gives you a lot of feedback (two screens+128 pads) and seems great for live, but I wonder how well it will do for entire complex songs created in a studio setting (which is what I will mostly be doing with it).