Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Absolutely, my info is probably bad here.

Has anyone put forth as a feature request of pattern triggering from any point within the pattern? This is by far one of the most compelling and powerful performance features in the Monome software package. Watch any Monome performance by Daedelus from the past 15+ years. @thetechnobear You know which one I mean, right? Is it MLR?

A layout/mode where you can see the pattern playback position of each of your Tracks. The buttons light up across a row sequentially, like a moving cursor (pretty standard for most machines like Elektron, TR-X0X, etc). Depending on the length of your patterns, or a grid value that you choose, the cursors may move across at various rates. But ALL of your Tracks are represented.

The performer can manually start and retrigger the playback position from any point in the pattern, allowing for extremely creative retriggering, looping, and rejuxtaposition of the musical elements in a single pattern.
ā€¢ Quantizing pattern playback to certain note values is optional.
ā€¢ Hitting of the PLAY button restarts everything from step 1
ā€¢ The uppermost row allows for retriggering of all Tracks from the same position.

Yes, I know it is programming intensive, but Iā€™d happily pay 50% more just for that feature to be implemented in HAPAX as it is in Monome.


yeah, I know MLR, so I know what you mean, but doubt anyone has sent it in :wink:
just send them a feature request via their contact form.

the one thing you can do already in Hapax, is set loop points (start/end), so you can do some of thisā€¦
similarly you have track elasticity to get different tempos per tracks.

of course, this is not the sameā€¦ but means you can get some similar creative effects.

as for the view?
well hapax is ā€˜track viewā€™ oriented, partly because lanes are polyphonicā€¦
(mlr is audio, so you donā€™t need to see notes :wink: )

of course, you could forgo that ā€¦ perhaps for the kind of mode.

as you say, sounds like a reasonable amount of dev work - but perhaps if they like the idea theyā€™ll go for it :slight_smile:


Still loving this thing. My favorite thing to do lately is just to record pattern after pattern without pausing recording and then go back and edit and mix and match. It makes ā€œwritingā€ and ā€œjammingā€ feel very fluid.

@thetechnobear Iā€™m curious if you could talk about what changed between the beta you tested and the more recent version. You described having to switch out the buttons. Were there UI ideas tried that were very different? Merely curious, no reason I need to know any of this.


I canā€™t really talk about a (closed) betaā€¦ (or planned features)
yes, various bits of the UI changed, however, the fundamentals were there by the time testing startsā€¦ similarly the scope for v1 release was defined. (as is normal for dev projects)

beta testing is mainly about (obviously) finding issues, and usability suggestions/improvements.
itā€™s a fun stage, because every new beta you get, is more polished, and perhaps new features as they are developed, and you get to feedback, and see the results in a week or two.
really enjoyable, as the Squarp devs are very on the ball, open to ideasā€¦ and quick to implement.

as for more conceptual designā€¦that they would have decided on long before I got a beta.
that you do as a design stage in house, with various mock upsā€¦ because its not just a ā€˜techā€™ thing at that stage, you are defining a productā€¦ and that has market and economic implications.
If I were them, id keep that very ā€œprivateā€, since you may play with ideas that you might defer to other projects/products.
also there is expectation managementā€¦ if you tell users of an all powerful whizz bang thing that you might do in the futureā€¦ they will be asking about it every week for the next 5 years :wink:

anywayā€¦ thats how I go around product/projectsā€¦ of course may be Squarp (and other companies) have different approaches

buttons hardware/layout was not change (nor any other hardware)
just the pads (rubber/silicon?) layer - so, the labelling.
so just moved couple of features around and pad labels were changed accordingly.
most notably the 2nd and mute button were switched , which was a really good move - mute was a bit ā€˜detachedā€™ where it was, and 2nd benefits for being slightly larger.

also, the theyā€™d trialled various different pad compositions (feel), the released version is much better than the set I originally hadā€¦ feels much better for ā€œmelodicā€ use.


Another question - is there a way to set the default pattern length or track quantization? I thought there was but I canā€™t seem to find it in the manual.

Ok so Iā€™m probably not going mad then - I thought Iā€™d seen this too (albeit in my case by accident when I set midi channels wrong) - defintiely want to experiment with this because it opens some creative doors IMO

I had this issue with a Novation Launchpad Pro MKIII - sent it back after using it for 3 hours. The white lights especially ranged from anything from white to beige.

Are there devices where this isnā€™t an issue - or is it a materials science thing?

Does the Hapsx not send PGM changes when you select a new scene? Are scenes changes not queued up? Most devices that work this way will send the PGM change when the new scene is selected, not when the scene changes, which means the Elektron box gets the message ahead of time so it can change pattern in sync. If your using automation to send PGM changes then this will never work, as those PGM changes should be used to change patches, not patterns. You wouldnā€™t want patches to change ahead of time.

If you scroll back a few days (around 5) in this thread, you see a long discussion about this topic.


Iā€™ve raised with Squarp, and they said they understand the issue and will look to address.

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Can you also raise with them, that there is this Uija-Guy who really really needs such a cool device? :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™ve noticed it seems particularly obvious when the LED isnā€™t at full intensity. Like, bright blue looks pretty consistent, but dim blue has variation. Most of the Hapax colors are bright, so it really only bothers me on the playhead and ā€œdisabledā€ areas, which Iā€™ve gotten used to.

Iā€™ve been reading more into it, and I think this is just a materials/manufacturing reality.

Boring explanation within.

The brightness of any two LEDs is always a little hard to match due to differences in materials, manufacturing tolerances, resistances, etc. But our eyes are usually very forgiving when it comes to small gradations in brightness, interpreting them as more or less equal.

But the situation is less ideal with RGB LEDs because:

  1. Each light is actually three LEDs combined to generate a color, so small variances in each R, G, and B LEDs compound, and
  2. The result of varying the intensity of these three components in an RGB LEDs isnā€™t, ultimately, a different brightness, but rather a different color. And our eyes are much more attuned to small variations in color, so it stands out more.

There are at least two ways to deal with this:

  1. ā€œBinningā€ LEDs. That is, sorting LEDs by sets that have similar response to voltage, etc, and only using LEDs from the same ā€œbinā€ together to achieve consistent results.
  2. Calibrating. Measure the outputs of each LED in place, and then adjust the inputs to compensate for variances.

Both of these are obviously comparatively expensive solutions that are therefore only employed in devices that require color accuracy. And neither of these are guaranteed solutions as LEDs can change their characteristics in use after ā€œburning inā€.

So for blinky lights on a sequencer, I think this is the best we can expect for a while?


Interesting! Iā€™d actually assumed it was to do with the rubber.

But yea itā€™s totally dependant on usecase whether that matters. For me with the launchpad it was annoying in some cases and confusing in at least 1 other but i could have always been unlucky with a few of my LEDs

Or are we BOTH mad? I have recently been trying to get this to work the way I absolutely swear it used to (p-locking parameters on the A4 while playing a sequence from an external sequencer- now the hapax) and I have found that while I can get notes to trigger from both internal and external sequences but trigless trigs and ccs donā€™t seem to stick. (unless you are holding down a trig).

This is an emotional rollercoaster!


Hapax, mega command, digitone, some pedals, some feedback.


New firmware: