Squarp Instruments Hapax Polychronic Performance Sequencer

Tons of bug fixes. But also two thoughtful features I’m going to be getting a lot of use out of:

  • Step mode: when FILL is pressed, added events are forced with MATH = FILL
  • Step mode: when scrolling through the MATH parameter, RGB leds are dimmed to highlight events with the same MATH parameter. Also works for ROLL and CHANCE parameters

Nice, that was fast!

I recently spent a lot of time trying to figure out why it wasn’t working to use an external sequencer along with p-locking on the A4. I never got it work, but I know that I’ve definitely done this in the past, using an external sequencer playing chords into the A4 while a p-locked filter sequence played. Maybe something has changed in the OS that this doesn’t work anymore?


Same here, I can’t get it to work. Tried with OXI, sending notes to midi channel 1, A4 global settings to receive notes but everything else turned off. It’s playing track 1 on A4 but p-locks do nothing. However, it does something that may be valuable to some. If you p-lock a trigless step, pressing that step on the sequencer holds the new parameter values until you let go. So you could set up different p-locks on each step and then play them by hand. I want to test the CV inputs next, there might be something interesting with that setup.

Sorry if this derailing, maybe this is better suited for another A4 thread?

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yeah, its a good solid list of issues resolved, and I think the timing related ones were probably quite time consuming.

nice to see some small improvements too.
I like the CVG1-4 for drum tracks, handy for use with Rample.

always good to get the first ‘bug fix’ release out the way, hopefully that covers the main pain points for users.

It’ll be interesting to see with next firmware the balance between resolved issues vs improvements… as that’ll gives us an indication number of ‘outstanding issues’ , which will obviously be prioritized over new features (generally)

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Damn I love a good guts shot

I said this before but somebody said I was mistaken: elektron sequencers ignore the internal sequencer when they receive midi messages from an external sequencer. You can’t sequence elektron gear externally and use trigless locks.

I’ve tried with different sequencers and different elektron gears. There are a lot of 3D about this and each one seems to confirm what I’m saying.

The only thing that can happen it’s something like this (that is pretty cool, but it’s not what you’re trying to do):

Oh, I’ve just realized it was you.

what do you mean exactly?

my octatrack is externally clocked from my hapax (so receiving midi clock/transport) , and I can use trigless locks to send midi cc from the octatrack.

so this statement, as stands is not 100% accurate… there appears to be other factors…
what midi messages do you think ‘disables’ this function?
or perhaps this limitation is only specific elektron devices?

though, perhaps better discussed on a different topic , as appears not to be hapax related… and others might comment if it was a separate thread?

You can use trigless lock to send midi cc FROM the octatrack, but you cannot use trigless lock to p-lock parameters ON the octatrack if it’s sequenced externally (not just clocked).

This is not hapax related but they was trying to do this with the hapax and I was just saying that it’s not hapax the issue.

k, thats getting to be a tighter definition… but its still not entirely clearly.

  • CC are programmed as trigless lock to parameters… do you mean audio parameters?
    which parameters are you saying are not working?
  • when you say “externally sequenced”, what do you mean precisely?
    you mean pattern changes via program change messages?

Sorry my english is not that good.

1- yes I mean audio parameters. If you use hapax (or any sequencer) to sequence , a 4 on the floor kick on the analog rytm and you want to p-lock that kick to make it sound different on each step:, for example:

step 1: pitch down
step 5: sound lock
step 9: add delay
step 13: pitch up

Nothing will happen. These p-locks will be ignored, because midi notes are received on those steps. The kick will sound the same unless you use lfos or midi ccs

2- I mean midi notes.

cool, yeah, no worries about English…

however, with these kind of products its important to not generalise ‘problems’ , as people get the confused… (this is why as you said, others thought, you were ‘mistaken’)

ah, ok… I ‘only’ have an octatrack (in the Elektron range)

but, what you are saying (if it applies to the Octatrack !)

if I use Hapax to trigger samples on the Octatrack via midi, it will ignore any trigless locks I place on that track…

I’ll give it a go … see how it turns out , and report back :slight_smile:

honestly, this is not how I tend to work with the Octatrack and external sequencers
(I used the Pyramid a lot before the hapax)

my approach is:
I use the internal sequencer on the Octatrack , and just clock it from the Hapax.
simply, because it feels easier to program ‘on the device’ (octatrack)
I mean, why program the (note) patterns on the Hapax, and then start doing the automation on the Octatrack… its splitting up the sequence over two machines.
also, to use the power of the octatrack, I use scenes… so need the crossfader … again thats easier to do on the box itself

I guess, you could take the opposite approach… treat the Octatrack purely as a sound machine…
in which case, you can do the exact opposite
program all notes and automation on the hapax , and use the CCs of the octatrack to control the parameters.
for sure, this is nice from a ‘everything in one place’ perspective, but you loose alot of the immediacy of the octatrack.
(I guess the one use-case I can see for this is going beyond the stupid 64 steps of the Elektron sequencers :wink: )

I just dont really see the advantage of doing it in kind of a half n’ half manner.

This! Thank you : )

Yep. Same here. I like to have the whole project under control of one sequencer but there are no advantages in doing this with elektron gears because you lose a lot of their power (unless you setup a complex workaround like the one you mentioned) and (off topic) that’s the reason why I didn’t buy an analog4.

I would like (sometimes) to use the hapax euclidean sequencer with the analog rytm and replace the p-locks with automations from hapax (the analog rytm only has 1 lfo and beats tend to be more statics without p-locks compared to the octatrack with 3 lfos) , but from what I understand this is not possible because automations are per track and not per drum lane.

yup, confirmed :slight_smile:

though, I also tried sequencing the parameters on the Hapax (so ‘my opposite’ approach) , and that worked flawlessly…
though, I notice its a good idea for some fx, to program it fractionally before note-on, to ensure CC takes effect before note trig.

honestly, I think this is how its designed to work…
basically midi-on always uses the displayed values, as elektron assumes if you want to program automation, you’d do this via the CCs

not true, just use a different hapax track … multiple tracks can send data to the same channel.

sure it’d be nice to have different channels per drum track, and its been ‘requested’.
(but to say its ‘not possible’ is not true)
not sure if squarp will change the automaton for drum track, its a pretty big change to the automation screen… which currently has no notion of midi channel / drum track.
however, perhaps when we have MPE they could do it that way - as that will have per note automation.

you could also say, why does the Rythm not have some kind of mod matrix that allows you to use one midi channel to route to different ‘track’ parameters… its kind of wasteful to have to use lots of midi channels just for one device :wink:

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On the A4, the advantage of decoupling pitch from modulation, gates, etc would be to add variation. It’s a fairly common practice with modular (send pitch from one sequencer, send gates from another, send modulation from yet another.). I don’t own an OT but the core concept remains the same. IMO the more discreet lanes I can get when programming, the better.

edit: Especially when I can use something like a stochastic sequencer so I can play the pitches while the gates and modulation keep revolving around each other.

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yes, I use this on eurorack too…
though, you could already do this using hapax too (by using separate tracks)…
of course, it be handy to have more that 8 (or 16 if you use 2nd project) for this.
this assumes you use automate via ccs as above…
as is often the case, with a little thought most things are possible.

anyway, I guess, if you want this , time to sent in a feature request to Elektron, given it seems its a limitation across the range :wink:

TBH I’ll probably just stick to using my OXI (or Hapax if I get one) controlling a small modular voice(s). Looking up CC values and configuring the sequencer would be a total PITA, I’ll save my sanity :skull: The A4 has plenty of other stuff to explore.

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